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Moments later Jet stopped abruptly, making me slam against his back.

"What the heck Opal! I thought we weren't going to hurt anyone?!" He yells.

"Yeah well I got new orders." Opal voice rang with the same Irish brogue.

"Okay... but why the lass? She's innocent."

"Orders." was all she said as she started towards me.

I swear if I wasn't frozen I'd... Well I can't hit a girl, but she's hurting innocent people.

Opal looks at me strangely as if trying to figure something out.

"You froze him?" she asked face inches away from mine. However I know she wasn't talking to me.

"Well I kinda didn't have a choice."

She sighed and started tying me to the tree. When she finished she let out a deep breath and she touched two fingers to my neck.

I saw a little flicker of orange in her hazel eyes as I began to feel warmer.

She rolled her eyes and retreated. As she moved I caught a glimpse of Music.

Her beautiful blonde hair was messed up, falling from her elegant braid and some sticking to her forehead. Her head hung in a pool of sweat and her breaths were shallow.

"Jules!" I shouted but there was no answer.

"Don't touch her!" I cry as Jet picks up her now burnt hand.

He sucks in a deep breath and froze Music's hand. Amazed I watched as the pitch black skin turn back to her natural color.

"Enough of these games. I'm doing my job!" Opal shouts as the unconscious Jules awakes finally.

Opal walks over to me and slices my left cheek with my knife and she steps aside.

I watch as blood drips down onto my tied up hands making an odd little circle.

Screaming brought my head snapping up.

"What are you doing?!" Jet yelled as Opal kneeled in front of Music.

"Get away from her!!" I cried as hot tears blurred my vision.

All too soon the screaming stopped and the forest became dead silent. I struggled against the ropes holding me back. Silence could only mean one thing.

"Shhhh darling." she coed in Music's ear like it was all a sick demented joke!

She then strutted over to me. I gave her a dark venomous growl with an icy glare.

She laughed as she knelt in front of me. Just as her hand was about to touch me, I bit it with all the force I had.

She screamed at the top of her lungs and in the background a choir of 'oh' and 'ow' from Jet.

She punched me in the stomach, just hard enough to knock all the wind out of me, making me release her.

"You damn Sirens!" she cursed under her breath, rubbing her injured arm.

I glared at her again not caring what she called us? Me? She reached for me again but this time stayed out of my reach.

I try to escape her hold but fail. She gently pushes my head to the right so my neck is exposed. I try to fight her but it's no use. She's too strong. Then something sharp pressed into my exposed neck and I once again became immobilized, so I couldn't fight her anymore.

"This one's a fighter," Opal commented grinning, "He'll be fun to break."

Opal hurt bae! Opal will pay! was the only thought that passed through my mind.

I glanced down at my now almost completely bloody palms as the drips from my cheek began to slow and come to a stop. A whole torrent of confusion washed over me as she began to untie me.

Opal hurt bae! Opal will pay! That thought replayed over and over again as Jet picked me. They're not going to get away with hurting her.

"Sorry mate." Jet whispered to me.

Sorry mate?! Are you kidding me?!?! Opal just killed the only family I had left and all he can say is sorry mate?!

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