Not alone

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I heard my name being faintly called as the dark turned into light, but my eyes refused to open.

"Zayin please," Jules sobs rang through my head, letting me regain control. My eyes shot open to see Music sobbing on my chest.

"Hey baby girl," my voice was horse as I wiped a stray tear away from her cheek.

Her head shot straight up as I smiled up at her.

"Zayin!" she screeched as she threw herself at me.

"Missed me?" I teased as she gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Big time," she teased back just before kissing me hungrily. I kissed her back with the same passion she gave me.

A little click pulled me away from Jules. I looked around quickly and found a red laser dot from a sniper, aimed at the back of Jules head. I gasped and push Jules away from me. I rolled away just as the bullet was fired and hit the ground beside me.

I quickly pushed off the ground and ran towards Jules, only to be knocked over by a gust of wind. I look up and see that a red haired girl has Jules with my knife placed on her neck.

I get up and run towards them, but I'm knocked to the ground again. I try to get up, but a sniper is holding his gun in my face. I let out an angry sigh as I hold up my arms in surrender.

I look to the side to find my bow laying there, but no arrows. The guy with the sniper smiles evilly as he holds up my arrows.

"Looking for these?" he teased.

"Nope!" I say as I kick the machine gun out of his hands and grab my bow.

I press the button on the bow that makes the spikes come out and pointed it at him. He sucks in a deep breath and next thing I know is my bow frozen. I curse under my breath as I drop the freezing thing.

I growl, that was my favorite bow! I punch the guy in the nose. He curses under his breath and goes to punch me back, but I catch his arm and toss him to the side.

I run over to Jules, but I'm pulled back by the collar of my shirt.

"Aw come on!" I whine as I'm thrown to the ground.

He pulls back a punch and I move my head to the side, just in time for his fist to hit the ground. I look to the side and there to see a big hole right next to my head. What are these people?!

I push him off of me and head towards my bow, because a frozen weapon is better than no weapon at all right now.

Right as I'm about to grab it a bright red light hits it melting the ice. I turn outta curiosity and see the sniper's eyes are an orangey red. Okay that's not normal, yet one of my eyes turns red so what is normal?

I grab my bow and a few arrows. I let them fly before sniper could laser me to death. They snagged onto his shirt pinning him to a tree.

I knew it wasn't going to last for long, but it gave me just enough time for me to get out of sight.

"Don't just stand there Jet! Look for him!" red head shouted to I guess who the sniper is.

Jet nodded and closed his eyes, when he reopened them they were pitch black.

Out of the corner of my eye I see red starting to walk away with Jules, the knife placed at her waist.

I only get about halfway towards them when I feel something hard hit the back of my neck. I turn around and standing right in front of me is none other than Prince Charming.

"How ya doin?" I teased as I punched him, but he grabbed my arm and spun my to the side. My bow fell to the side, as we spun around.

I got up and grabbed my bow, but I lost my fade as I was tossed. Pressing the button, I swiftly swiped Jet arm, hitting him. He grab his arm but only a dent was made. That's is impossible! These thing would cut you with a single touch, they killed Van-wolves for crying out loud!

"What are you?!" I yelled.

His face showed signs of fear, but he quickly covered it. "Your hit was just weak!" After that he just sped off towards where red and Jules had disappeared. I quickly chase after him after him not going to waste any time.

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