Wake up call

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"Hey beautiful wake up!" I said while I smacked Jules in the face with my pillow. She turns around and smacks me in the face with her fist.

"Why are you waking me up so early?! The sun isn't even up!" She whines.

"Cause sweetie it's prime hunting time," I said with a stupid smile on my face. "Come on I'll make you breakfast."

She groans as I try to pick her up. "Noooo sleep," She whines as she grabs onto the sheets.

"Fine be a bum! I'll go myself," I laugh as I toss her gently back on the bed. She groans as she flops.

"Sweet dreams angel," I whisper as I kiss her ear. Two things she despises the most. I jerk away when she goes to slap me.

She growls angrily as she throws the sheets back. She trips on them, which I couldn't help but to die laughing. She starts to cry, making me stop laughing and go straight to her.

"Shh. Baby girl it's okay. I'm sorry for laughing at you," I said as I set her on my lap and rocked us back and forth. She stopped crying and slapped me.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked innocently as I held my abused cheek.

"Cause you can be a real jerk sometimes." She kissed the hand that held my cheek, "And also a big softie. Who's cu..." She stops and looks down avoiding my eyes.

I lift her chin up, so she forced to look at me, "I'm what sweetheart? I couldn't hear ya." I tease as I lean in and kiss her.

She pulls back and slaps my arm playfully, "A big softie."

"Who's cute? You think I'm cute." I tease as I kiss her neck. She leans her head to the side giving me more access to her neck.

"Maybe?" she teases back.

I stop kissing her neck and look at her looking at me. She looks away and starts to play with my shirt collar. I look down at her hands and take them into mine. She looks back up into my eyes and I kiss her hand ever so lightly, not leaving those teal eyes of hers. She giggles, making my inside melt. Wow maybe I am a...

"Softie!" she teases like she read my mind.

I smile and kiss her. She yawns inside my mouth.

"Tired?" I laugh as I pull away. She nods and puts her arms out like a little kid asking someone to pick them up. I chuckle as I answer her childish call.

"Umm will you be mad if I go hunting without you?" I ask as I set her down on the bed.

"No," she says as she shakes her head.

I tuck her in and kiss her forehead, "Thank you! Thank you!" I shout as I slip on my jacket and grab my bow.

Jules laughs as I practically fly out the bedroom door.

"I love you," I shout out as I walked out into the cold night air.

I closed my eyes as I smelled the great outdoors, but my eyes popped open when I smelt something strange. I looked around to find the source of the vanilla sent, but came up empty. I ready my bow as I followed the sent.

A branch snapping caught my attention and I fired in that direction. A girl with a red hair catches my arrow.

"Oh Zayin you should know better than to hit a girl." she said as she broke my arrow with one hand.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" I asked as she circled me like pray.

"That's classified." she snarled.

Like the speed of light, she was behind me with my pocket knife placed gently on my neck. How'd she get it out of my pocket without me knowing?

"I could kill you right now but I have my orders so," she whispered bitterly in my ear.

With that I felt something pinch the back of my neck just as she drove the arrow head into my arm.

"Sweet dreams," she whispered as I screamed in pain. She slammed my head into the ground until I fall unconscious.

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