Special orders

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When we were halfway through the woods Opal stopped abruptly and spun around towards us, with sparks igniting in her hands. She throws a fireball at Jet making him drop to the ground, tossing me into the air and into the tree next to us.

I moan in pain as I hit head first. I hold my head in my hands, trying to ease the pain.

Reality sets in as icicles graze my scalp running through my hair, slicing the tips.

I can't run away from these people.

I wobble to my feet only to fall over again when I try to take a step.

Ice and flames hit the tree next to me. I roll out of the way just as it hits the ground. I push myself up to dart out of there.

At this point I just let my instincts guide me through the woods, because my mind was clouded with the memory of poor Music's limp body.

My heart clenched as I fell to the ground in a fit of tears and rage.

A branch snaps ten feet away from me, startling me, I instantly freeze and vanish. I jumping back to my feet and start running again.

I keep running until I trip and tumble to the ground. I reach my hand out a little and slice my palm on my bow's spikes.

I curse under my breath as I bring my bleeding hand close to me. A soft groan rings behind me. I quickly grab my bow with my slightly bloody hand as I turn around to see a slightly conscious Jules.

"Jules darling wake up! Wake up!" I plead as I fall to my knees beside her.

Her eyes flutter, but fail to open. A single tear falls as I move a stray hairs out of her face.

"Zay..." she starts but her voice fails her.

"Oh darlin' I'm so sorry," the tears are falling freely now. I lean down and kiss her forehead lightly, her nose, her cheeks, her jaw. I hesitated once I got to her lips.

"Baby girl I love you with all my heart, just please wake up for me please." I beg before placing a small soft kiss on her delicate lips. Her lips shortly formed to mine only to be ripped away.

"Really Barnes? Just cause my brother's stupid enough to make a deal with the devil, did you really think I would? How about you come with me?"

"What if I don't?"

"I'll shoot her," her voice flat as she points a pistol at Music.

"Fine." I say as I get to my feet.

"Good." she fires behind me, where Music was lying on the ground.

I flinched, "You said you wouldn't shoot her!"

She snorted and rolled her eyes, "No I said come with me or I'll shoot her. I never said I wouldn't." she has a big fake @$$ smile on her face.

I growled and pinned her up against a tree, "If you think you're getting away with this you're dead wrong Red." I spit in her face.

"Oh how I love when you Sirens get overprotective of your mates." she smiled evilly.

"I'm not a damn Siren! Stop calling me that!" I slammed her harder against the tree.

She lets out a ragged breath of fire causing me to fall back a little. She takes the advantage and aims a gun at me.

"Get up!" She commands.

I do as she says with arms up in surrender.

"Move!" She puts the gun up against my head.

I steal a quick glance back at Jules and Opal pushes the gun harder against my skull. I turn around and smack the gun out of her hand, with a smug look. She returns the look as she swipes her foot under my feet making me fall to the ground. She twist my arm behind my head with all her force. I hold in a scream when I hear my bones snap. She drops my limp arm and smacks the back of my head with the butt of a gun. Black spots cloud my vision as she yanks me up by the collar of my shirt. I stumbled a few inches and fall back down face first. With a sigh she tosses me over her shoulder.

Ether I'm hallucinating or Jet's burnt body just waved at me and sped off into the distance? I shake my head but soon realized that was a mistake as blackness covers my view like the stars and the moon vanished from the midnight sky.

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