Bonus: Techno-Dream Duel

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Dream knew that it was suicide to challenge the young ruler of Kingdom Cerdo. The great Technoblade. Who had bested thousands and killed even more. Who was notorious in his own way for never losing a battle, no matter how bad the odds were against him.

Maybe it was pride that drove him, or a desire to prove himself, but Dream wouldn't back out.

"Are you ready?" George asked him as he sharpened his knife.

"Yes," Dream said. "But at the same time, no. I'm nervous, to say the least."

The prince chuckled. "That's normal. Techno is one of the best warriors in existence."

"Are you trying to make me more uneasy?"


Dream set down his knife and looked around him. They were in one of the prepreation room of the arena, where the challengers were supposed to get ready for the duel. The walls were made of smooths sandstone, stretching up to the ceiling far above. Torches lined the walls, providing light. In front of him was the giant gate that would open and begin the battle.

In more ways than one, the whole thing reminded him of the arena in the mage's tomb.

That wasn't a pleasant memory.

"Aren't you gonna fight with your knife?" George asked curiously as Dream set it down on the table beside him.

Dream shook his head. "In a normal circumstance I would, but we're in Kingdom Cerdo. People here are used to fighting with shields. And the best weapon to combat a shield is---"

"The axe," Sapnap supplied as he pushed through the curtain entrance into the prepreation room, holding said weapon in hand. "Good idea."

He handed it to Dream, who accepted it with a nod. Sapnap was a skilled warrior, too. If he thought that using an axe was better, then Dream wasn't going to question it.

He preferred his knife. Of course he did, but even though he was more comfortable with it, he needed something different to win.

"Techno's supposed to be really good," Sapnap said worriedly. "Are you sure about this, Dream?"

Dream shrugged. "Hey, I wasn't the only one who wanted this. There's an announcer here as well who prides himself on grand fights. The prize is supposed to be a hundred thousand coins."

George gasped. "What? Where'd he get that much gold from?"

"I'm not sure," Dream said with another shrug. "But hey, it's gold nonetheless. I'll take it."

"That's ten times the amount Peligro was offering for my death," George said, sounding hurt.

"I could die here."

"No, you won't," Sapnap said, giving Dream a reassuring smile. "Gogy over here is just offended."

"I have value!"

Dream laughed. "Yes, you do, George. But this is different."

"Sure, sure," the prince grumbled. "I see how it is."

It could've been the fact that his nerves were high and jittery, or that anxiety was beginning to creep in, but Dream had to laugh. George's slight smile made him wonder if that was the intention all along.

Sapnap brought him his shield, one specially assigned to him from the castle's training grounds. Dream adjusted the strap, tightening it over his arm, and met his friend's gaze. There was nothing but support in his eyes.

He reached over top the table, where a large button waited for him. Dream exhaled slowly and closed his eyes.

I can do this.

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