Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sapnap felt calmer than he had in weeks.

Things were okay. He was (supposedly) no longer cursed. Dream had survived the arena, George was alive, and they got the horses they had went to the village for. 

Maybe for once, luck would be in his favor.

"So what's our plan now?" he asked, glancing over at the two riding on the other horse beside him. 

"Well, we still need to get to Kingdom Suspiro," George said. "It's still a while away, but we'll travel faster now that we have horses."

"There are three kingdoms in this vicinity, right?" Sapnap asked. "I mean, I know about Superiora, since I was born and raised here, and now I know about Suspiro, but what about the third? And if it's a name that starts with an s, I swear I'm gonna murder somebody."

"It's Kingdom Guerrier," George sighed. "There, you can't murder somebody anymore."

Sapnap simply shrugged. "Guerrier. Where's that?"

George opened his mouth to respond, but Dream cut him off. "It's to the left of Superiora," he replied. "If you're looking at a map, Superiora is in the right hand corner, with a large chunk towards the middle. Basically, everything on the inside of the river is that one kingdom. To the top left, there's Guerrier. Then there's a bunch of mountains and a large lake. Forests all around the area between Guerrier and Suspiro, which is below Superiora. That is assassins' territory."

Since Dream was an assassin and had probably travelled around a lot, Sapnap decided to believe him. The map that he had painted in his mind was pretty clear, thanks to Dream's describing skills.

"How do you know that?" George asked curiously. 

Dream shrugged. "I've been to Guerrier," he said with a perfect poker face. "It was for a task assigned by Peligro. That's where I first had to fight against ghouls, and that's where I took on an army."

Sapnap's heartbeat quickened. He had always wanted to know more about when Dream had singlehandedly wiped out an entire army. Was he finally getting the chance?

"But I don't want to get into that," Dream continued, looking away. "Too many bad memories."

I guess not, then.

"What's Kingdom Guerrier like?" George asked, his face lighting up. "I've always wanted to travel there."

"Don't," Dream advised. "There is a lot of assassins there, and even more in the forests, and the king doesn't do anything about. Frankly, he's too scared. He acts all high and mighty, but when it really comes down to it, he's a coward. His people have what they do because they worked for it, not because the royal family is nice to them."

"You sound like you're talking from experience," Sapnap said, raising an eyebrow.

"I am. I was born there."


Sapnap dropped the topic. He knew how much Dream hated his life as an assassin and the things that he had went through. Talking about his life before that must be even worse.

They rode in silence for a long while. Sapnap watched the sun make its up the sky, then back down again on the other side. Dream stayed quiet the whole time. George didn't speak either. He was probably afraid of getting tossed off the back of the horse or something.

Finally, when the sun was getting low in the sky, Dream pulled his horse to a halt. Sapnap stopped beside him and looked around. They were in a nice clearing, with a forest in the background. Distantly, very distantly, he could see a village.

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