Three Futures Enslaved

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Sapnap was a warrior. But if there was one thing he wanted less of in the world, it was war.

War had torn his family apart. It had led to pain and suffering, and it would only continue to do so. He had lost so much to war, big or small. He had lost his best friend.

"You're supposed to pay for that," the woman behind the stand full of cotton said, folding her arms in front of her.

Sapnap looked up from the wool he was rubbing half-heartedly. He had barely been paying attention to his actions. "What?"

She sighed irritably. "Son, you can't just go and touch everyone's products without buying. It makes sellers angry."

"Oh, r-right. Sorry."

He set down the cotton and stepped back, taking one step, then another. As he turned away from the stand, he couldn't help but frown to himself. Bad had sent him out to buy something, but the second he had went out on his errand, he'd completely forgotten.

Come on, Sapnap, he told himself silently. Bad'll be waiting. Hurry up, brain, and remember.

Potions. I think he wanted... melons?

Sapnap made his way down the bustling street, checking the stands set up as he went. It was always market day in Superiora. He hadn't realized it throughout his entire life of living there, but after it caught his attention, he couldn't stop thinking about it. The merchants probably made a lot of coin.

His feet led him around crowds, weaving between people and stray bystanders, until he found himself standing in front of a stand showing round glass bottles filled with gleaming, glowing liquids.

"A dozen glass bottles, two packs of nether warts, and some glistering melon, please," Sapnap said.

"Healing potions, eh?" the man behind the stand said, raising an eyebrow. "Did you injure yourself recently?"

Sapnap accepted the sack of supplies the man was holding out to him and gave him his payment expressionlessly. "It's for my friend."

He turned and began the long walk back to Bad's house, which was pretty much at the edge of the kingdom. It was routine by then. Bad would ask him to go get supplies, he'd make his way towards the markets and buy the things on Bad's list, and then he'd make his way home.

Sometimes George would go with him. But since Bad's list usually had to do with potions, he knew that it was usually better to let the prince stay in the house. Potions served as bad memories of a certain red vial, glimmering as a battered, green-clad man tilted it and poured a sip into---

Stop. Don't go down that road. Focus on the present and on saving him.

Sometimes he had to wonder if it really was all hopeless.


Book three >:D coming to a wattpad library near you!

It's published on my alt account (InkytheGhost) so please check that out when you have time :D

Chapters will start rolling out on Friday (November 5). One last journey with the series that somehow got me the most attention ;)

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