CH 8: Announcement

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The rest of the practice went on normally for the two and soon it was lunch time. As usual Donghae was sitting under a shady tree with his friends while Eunhyuk was sitting at a picnic table with Leeteuk.

"Where the hell is Yesung?" Leeteuk asked Eunhyuk looking around for their missing friend.

"I heard he got detention for flipping off the teacher for saying he sang a flat note."

"Gosh that idiot. We need him for tonight."

"Tonight? What're we doing tonight?" Eunhyuk asked confused.

"I sent you a text about it yesterday stupid, but we're going to go... 'shopping' tonight." Leeteuk said taking a few glances around.

Eunhyuk frowned as Leeteuk stood up.

"I'll go and get Yesung out of detention. Meet us at the school entrance at midnight tonight and don't be late." Leeteuk said walking away.

Eunhyuk sighed and buried his head in his hands.

As Donghae was enjoying lunch with his friends, he caught a glance of Eunhyuk at his table.

"What happened to Eunhyuk?" Donghae asked.

"Who knows. Their all insane." Kangin said casually like it was no big deal.

Donghae continued to look at Eunhyuk worried and soon decided to get up and approach him. Donghae sat down right next to Eunhyuk and tapped his shoulder. When Eunhyuk looked up and saw it was Donghae, he pushed Donghae onto the ground and stood up.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Eunhyuk said standing over Donghae.

"Well you-you looked upset and I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Why do you care? We're not friends so why do you think you can just walk up to me?" Eunhyuk said as Donghae stood up.

"Hyuk!" A voice said behind Eunhyuk.

Eunhyuk turned around to see Leeteuk and Yesung walking towards them. Eunhyuk tensed and turned back to Donghae. Eunhyuk gave Donghae a sad expression before punching him right in the jaw.

Donghae sprawled onto the ground holding his jaw as his friends quickly ran up to him.

"Hey good job Hyuk, way to show that little bitch who's boss." Leeteuk said patting Eunhyuk on the shoulder.

Leeteuk, Yesung, and Eunhyuk all walked away together. When Leeteuk and Yesung weren't paying attention, Eunhyuk took a quick look at Donghae to see his friends slowly helping him up. Eunhyuk sighed and slowly turned back to walking with his friends.

~~~LATER ON~~~

Donghae was playing video games with Kyuhyun in his dorm when an announcement went off on the speakers in the hallway.

"Attention all performing arts students, we will be taking a trip to Italy for three weeks on Monday. This trip is required for all students so spend this weekend packing and getting ready for the trip. All students and staff will be attending so no one will be allowed to skip unless you would like the spend the next three weeks cleaning the entire school. Everyone will be room up with partners as well that we be decided by last names in alphabetical order. Start preparing now students!"

"Great," Kyuhyun said. "Who knows who I'll be paired up with."

"Maybe it'll be Siwon or that actor kid Minho." Donghae said. "Who do you think I'll be paired up with?"

"Your last name's Lee right? There's a ton of kids with that last name so I have no idea."

"Let's hope I don't get a terrible roommate." Donghae said going back to playing his game with Kyuhyun.

[To Be Continued...]

[Sorry if this chapter was boring>< I tried really hard to make it interesting]

From Enemies to Lovers (An Eunhae Fanfic) BoyXBoy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now