meddling about and taking care

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The sub groaned ever so softly. They were going out to town, and they knew exactly what that meant. A soft pout rested on their lips, "Do we have to daddy? The sub would whimper, already sensitive even before being touched.

"You knew the deal, hunny. You signed up for this. Remember you can use the safe word at any time, okay? I love you so much, and you can do this." The dom would answer, crouching down to the sub's eye level. "You can hold my hand if you like! Or we could star slow, then go fast!" The dom offered, a small smile upon their lips.

The sub would nod, opening their legs for their daddy to insert the vibrator into them. "I won't turn it on until we get to the restaurant, just so you get used to having it in you. You've got this." He would mutter into her ear, wrapping her up in a big hug. He took her hand in his, helping her up as they got ready to leave.

She looked up at him with pure love and adoration. "You'll be okay, nobody will notice!" He would say, knowing it was most likely a lie. He just wanted her to feel safe. "Now when we get into the restaurant, you will be able to get whatever you like. I don't care how expensive it is, I want you to spoil yourself. Can you do that for me, baby? This is a day for you to have fun!"

The sub nodded, taking the dom's hand. As they walked out the door, the dom winked down at the sub, entering their shared car. The dom sat in the driver's seat, glancing over at the sub. "Are you nervous?" Which in response was met with a subtle nod. "You're alright, I won't hurt you, you can always use the safe word."

An: Sorry it's short I wanted to post something wholesome

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