Love, Your Mama

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“Broden!” I call for my brother in a sing-song voice, entering into his hoiuse. I’m met with a baby blue colored room with the couch against the window.

Just as I had been there 7 years ago.

“If it’s about the wedding, I don’t wanna hear it!” he yells back, already tired of the wedding preparations.

“Jade’s not gonna be happy about that! Besides, I have other news.” Jay comes in behind me, supporting the crook of my back with the light touch of his right hand.

“What?” Broden groans.

Jay and I grin at one another.

“Sean!” I exclaim.

“What? Where?! They’re back? What happened??” Broden runs down the hallway to meet us in his frenzy of worry.

“Right here.” I point to my stomach.

“Gross.” he groans. “You two- my sister- ugh.” He walks back to the kitchen dejectedly.

“Hey! You’re supposed to be happy for us, stupid.” I scold him.

“Come on, he was practically your apprentice!” Jay chimes in.

“Fine. Jade!” he calls his fiancé over. “They have news!”

“What kind of news?” Jade walks in a few seconds later, her hands adjusting the most recent pair of earrings she’s been testing for her wedding dress.

Jay slides his arms around my waist, thumb caressing my slightly bulging stomach.

“I wonder what you’re gonna name him.” Jade asks while rolling her eyes.

When we meet eyes, she starts to squeal with me. We jump up and down, reminiscing our times with him years earlier.

“Woah! Are you sure you’re allowed to do that?” Jay asks cautiously about my jumping.


“You should probably be more careful.” Sierra giggles as she enters the home of the soon to be Tenners with her boyfriend.

Henrik comes in with a big smile, “Congrats!”

He’s matured into a strong, healthy figure. His hair no longer stays down limp, but isn’t greased back like his former self. I’m so glad we’ve become friends. Not just for the sake of our lives, but because he’s actually pretty cool to be around.

“Actually, we had something we wanted to ask you.” Jay brings up what we’ve spent all night trying to decide.


“Henrik… would you be the godfather of Sean?” I ask hopefully.

He stares in silence, not believing what he’s heard.

“M-m-me?? But aren’t you worried? About what I might do?” he asks nervously.

“Is there a reason we should be?” Jay teases.

“No, no. I just… you know, with the past and all that.”

“Henrik, hun. That no longer exists, that’s why we’re here together in Broden’s house with the honor of taking care of a guy like Sean.” Sierra assures her boyfriend.

“I,” Henrik looks around the kitchen, inspecting every face, “would be honored to take the place of godfather in Sean’s life.” He smiles in relief.

“Woohoo! We should celebrate!” Jade brings out the orange juice.

“Uhh, orange juice?” I ask.

“Well, you’re not allowed to have alcohol. Is that right, Sierra?” Jade asks the nurse of the group.

“Yeah. You’ll have to be really careful about what you do and eat from now on, Brett.”

“Noooooooooo!” I fake sob into Jay’s chest.

“Think about Sean, his face, what he’s done for us.”

I sigh and uncover my face, “fine.” I pout.

“Good girl.” He pats my head and sits down at the table. “Ok, now, pour the orange juice!" Jay hoots, taking a sip of the orange liquid.

Hey, Sean.

Now you can properly call me your mom. We’ve missed you. And I can’t wait to see you again.

                                                                                                                                             Love, your mama

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