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          France let out a long and audible sigh as she took a step into her bathtub, the warm water crawling up her calves and onto her back. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun as a few extra pieces brushed at her skin, dangling in damp wisps. She closed her eyes and inhaled the steam that billowed from the bathtub, rising up in a cloud that enveloped her in its warmth. Her aching muscles begged for the soothing warmth, the soothing sensation of the water, and the steam.

Her thighs ached from sitting in the same position for hours, her muscles in her back were screaming at her for being on her feet for longer than any other person would dare to, and her shoulders were on fire from walking around for over a week now. All she wanted was a good soak in a tub, nothing else, just the relief that the water would provide. As her body drowned into the tub of her large tub, she took her discomfort to the back of her mind and relaxed.

Strands of hair stuck to her cheeks as the princess closed her eyes, inhaling the steam that drifted from the tub. Letting herself get lost in the water, her worries slowly letter her mind she let down her guard and allowed herself to unwind. The memories from the past months bounced within in mind, the emotions that swelled in the pit of her stomach around being with the Prince. She wished not to marry but knew that option was snatched from her reach and burned in the fire of fate.

Her feelings towards the British prince were at a standstill, the divide between their futures was apparent and her stubborn attitude got in the way of her happiness. France had made herself see past the terrible feelings towards the prince, forcing herself to get to know him in time.

He seemed kind, understanding, and considerate, but she still couldn't shake the idea that he was never meant to be her lover but rather some other pawn being sold off for her kingdom's hopes. A sting of guilt poked at her heart as she knew that the Brit was facing the same fate as her, to be forced into marriage against his will.

Maybe all of that bitter hate and feelings would fade away after a while, her mind becoming more open to the situation the two were carelessly thrown into.

However his antics at trying to woo her at every opportunity he had only caused her to fall further into the grasp of her cold, unsympathetic heart. France felt like a doll being fought over by two children, she was being torn apart in two places and it was only a matter before the seams ripped and everything came crumbling down in one big mess. She had felt her heart start to warm up to the prince even if she was forcing herself to do it.

But that one part of her screamed at her not to fall for the trick and that she was just another girl being used for her looks and position. Thoughts continued to bubble in her mind as she wallowed in her misery in the tub, the water becoming cloudy with soapy bubbles. How was she supposed to face the truth when all of these distractions were so easily avoidable and throwing such a hard choice at her like that was merely a way to try and drive a wedge between her and the Brit?

Submerging half of her face in the water, she let her hands sink to the bottom of the tub, staring at the sad and quiet reflection of her face on the surface of the water. She let out a small sigh but quickly jumped when a bang at the bathroom door startled her, sending water splashing everywhere.

" Good Lord " she breathed placing a hand over her mouth as she sat up slightly, leaning back against the wall. " Who is it?! "

" FRANCE! FRANCE OPEN THIS DOOR! " Mina banged on the stiff and heavy door to the princess bathroom, continuing to startle the poor girl inside. France panicked slightly, unsure of what to say to the servant who seemed desperate for her attention. The Princess's head snapped around the empty bathroom for a few seconds before stepping out of the tub, feeling the cold air chill her body in a matter of seconds. Water dripped on the floor in small puddles as she grabbed a towel, wrapped it around her thin frame, and scrambled to the door.

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