Chapter 2

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( Updated 11/20/21 )

Britian groaned. It was day again. He had fallen asleep trying to figure out what to do about his father. He didnt want it to be another day. He didnt want to get married. He didnt want to be here. He was a human being with imperfections and emotions, why couldn't his father understand that? Wincing at the bright sun coming from outside the curtains he stared at the blank grey room. It was boring, no real flair or indacator he lived there. Just cookie cutter, sheets, walls and creepy pictures on the walls. Tiredly standing up, Britain brushed himself off wandering across catching a glimpse of the only thing in the entire room he truly enjoyed.

Gently he picked up a case in the corner of his room, placing it on his bed and opening it, to reveal his violin. It was a shiny glazed wood, small tapes lined the top, and bright reflection bounced off of it. Britian loved music. It was beautiful. Some nights he would hear music from the town square, and the joyus laughter of the townsfolk.

Music had just always called to him in a way. The first times he tried to gain in instrument his question was shot down on scene. His parents didn't want him being to loud or having to pay for it. Like they didn't have enough money.

After a lot of begging, his mother gave in and he got his violin.

At first he was absolutely horrible at the instrument and would get scowled for playing it. But after hour and hours of practice it's deep sound and beautiful chord was finally excepted.

It was strange to the Brit but it always helped him overcome negative thoughts that plagued his mind. Picking up the bow he slowly started to play a melody he had recently been learning.

He wanted to be free. He had seen how citizens lived, able to choose what they study, what they say, how they act. It was a life he dreamed of.

He wanted to be a musician, he could play a variety of instruments. He found such solace in the beauty of music. Everytime he would dream the real world always pulled him back.

Britain hummed the tune, helping him play the right notes. No one had bothered his since yesterday, not even the maids. His parents must have told them not to. In a sense he didn't mind. That thought was quickly shot of the air when a loud knock startled the country from his thoughts.

He didn't care how much trouble he was in, he wasn't going to listen to his father ramble on and on like an idiot. He was to royal for that.

" What do you want. " He yelled coldly waiting for a angry response. But there wasn't one, instead the voice of Edmund the houses trusted butler spoke up.

"The United Kingdom, Her Majesty Princess France, daughter of the Kingdom and Empire of France has arrived, she is in the ballroom "

Britain almost choked on the air. He wasn't expecting them to be so soon! Panicking he threw the violin on his bed and unlocked the door, grabbing Edamund's suit and pulling him into the room.

The Butler was not entirely expecting such a quick action and let out a little yell, stumbling into the princes room.

Britain clicked the door lock once more and peered over to the Butler in his room.

" What the hell am I supposed to do? I've meet princess and other women before but nothing like this?! If I step out of line my father will have my head for this " he saught advice from the shorter male. Edamund stood tall and blinked a few times, but quickly dusted off his suit and looked towards the royal.

" May I suggest you start out slow. Forien relationships take time, I'd you rush in everything will crumble. I also suggest you use your highest of manners, and please sir, change your suit " he pointed to the extremely wrinkled suit Britain hod slept in.

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