jaz and jace

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Reaching school, Jaz and I got off the bus together, walking past the blonde and her boyfriend. We, or should i say, i, got a lot of stares from everyone as we walked towards our lockers. I may have just stood up to the principals daughter but believe it or not, I can be actually pretty shy.

I felt my cheeks heat up, as I stared at my hands like they where the most fascinating thing in the world. I felt a nudge on my shoulder as I looked up I saw that Jaz was sending me a sympathetic look. She leaned in and whispered into my ear, "lift your head up girl! They all got nothing on you!"

Smiling I was about to say something when my bag was suddenly pushed out of my hands.

Sighing I bent down to reach my things that have spilled onto the floor as another pair of hands did the same. Looking up, shocked I see another stunning guy smiling back at me. He was whereing a slightly tight black shirt, that had no problem showing off his toned upper body, and slim darkwashed pants. His hair was styled perfectly and he had the face of a God.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" he apologized! Let me say that again. HE APOLOGIZED. Usually you'd have to kill someone to get a guy to apologize but not this one! I seriously think I'm going to like this school..

"Oh its fine! I should have been watching myself" I blushed. Standing up, the nice guy lent me his hand, helping me stand up too. He was about to say something when Jaz appeared out of no where.

"Hey girl! Where'd you disappear to? We where talking one moment and you where gone the next! I thought you where abducted by.... " she stopped mid sentence when she finally saw the cute guy next to me who was still holding my hand. Not that I was complaining....

"Jace? What are you doing with her" Jaz clentches her teeth, pushing her face into the guys, as I stand there awkwardly confused out of my mind.

"You guys know each other?" I ask with my brows furrled.

"Yeah all our lives" Jace speaks up. He has a small smile on his lips, one that Jaz dosent share.

"Yeah unfortunately he's my twin." Jaz says as she slowly backs off. Her eyes are still narrowed as if she suspects Jace to do something. I was surprised but if you really looked at them and had there faces next to each others, you could really see the similarities.

Just then the tardy bell rings and only then do I notice that we where practically the only ones out in the hallway.

"Where you heading?" Jaz and Jace both ask me at the same time, both then sending each other a quick glare.

"Um.... My schedule says Multimedia Arts.... I think...."

"Good." Jace sends a triumphant smile at Jaz, "I'll walk her to class since we both are heading to the same one"

Scowling, Jaz mutters a quick bye and tells me to met her up on the bleachers later before 3rd period, then rushes off to get to class.

"Shall we?" Jace asked me as he hold his hand out for mine.

Tilting my head back I laugh putting my hand into his, "We definitely shall"

Along the way, Jace tells me a bitore about the teachers and we compare our schedules to see of we have any more classes together. Apparently we have six out of eight classes together. I was kind of relieved that at least I wouldn't be totally alone. When we reached our desitnation, Jace held the door open for me as I walked in. The teach opened her small mouth about to say something when she was interrupted by the speaker.

'Aana, please head into the office. Th e principal would like to have a word with you. Aana please head into the office'

Groaning I send a help me kind of look at Jace as I slump down and drag my feet back out into the hallway. After walking around for a few minutes I decided that I was lost and I needed help. Looking around I spot someone leaning on the wall. Their back was to me so he didn't see that I was there until I lightly tapped on his shoulder.

After the guy turned around I see that it was my dream guy from earlier. Gulping I asked in a tiny voice, "where is the office"

His green eyes swim at me and when they land on me, he held the eye contact not breaking away. I was about to get lost in his deep greeness when I remembered what I was here for. "The office?" I ask in a more louder voice. His eyes finally break contact, but his smirk stays the same. Lifting a hand up he points behind me. Looking back I see a unique cublible that had a sign in dark words saying 'Office' above the entrance door.

Blushing glance back at the guy only to see that he was already gone. Shrugging my shoulders I head into my doom. Or shall I say, the office. (Insert dramatic music here)

"Aana. Please come here" a rough voice calls to me from the office to the side. Entering I see a middle aged man sitting behind a very fancy desk. He looked about 40 with dark brown hair and a small stubble. He was pretty attractive for his age and all I can say is that I was expecting something else. Like maybe a fat old wrinkly bald guy that smelled like old piss and grandma sheets but I guess I can live with this. Clearing his throat, he begins by saying,

"I know your new here and all but we have a slight problem."

Cutting him off I rush to say, "If this is about what happens this morning, then you should know that it's not my fault. It's not my fault that she started a lie that had to be taken care of immediately and...."

I stopped when I saw the confused look spread on his face.

"I have no idea what you where just now talking about, Miss Aana, but if you would like to go into more detail, I'll gladly listen or you can let me finish talking."

Deciding to shut my mouth i nod my head for him to keep talking.

"As I was saying, We have a little problem. Some concerns have been brought into the office and where called upon to be dealer with right away. "

Confused I sort through my head all the things I have done today. I cone to a conclusion that u didn't do anything to terrible to cause me a great deal of trouble so I just silently continue to listen to what her had to say though my heart started beating in anticipation. What could it be!?

"It seems like your shorts are too short Miss Aana"

Groaning i make faceplam. Yeah I defiantly take back what I said about liking this school..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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