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"What am I gonna do, Remus!?" Sirius exclaimed as he ran his fingers through his hair, making it messy and tousled. "She's a fifth year and Ava's little sister!"

"Come clean to Ava about it." Remus stated, licking the pad of his thumb before turning the page of his book. 

"Oh, yeah like that's going to do me any good. What am I supposed to say, "Oh, Ava by the way, your little sister kissed me to get herself away from a guy." Sarcasm was laced within Sirius' tone of voice. 

"Not just you. You need to talk to Lucy about talking to Ava first." Remus closed his book and sat it on the table beside him. 

Sirius hummed in response before sitting down on the red velvet chair in the Gryffindor common room. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, immediately lighting one up and taking a long drag as he leaned his head back. 

"Talk to me about what?" Sirius' head snapped up, the smoke in his lungs causing him to cough a storm while Ava walked in the room, the painting shutting behind her. 

"Oh, nothing." Sirius finally managed  to choke out. 

"Okay.." Ava laughed nervously while looking at the two boys. 

Remus smiled at Ava before turning back to his book, while Sirius just laughed a bit before taking another long drag out of his cigarette. 

"Well, I'm going to go get ready for my date with Peter at the Black Lake." Ava smiled before heading up the stairs to get ready.  

"Alright!" Remus responded,  looking up from his book for a brief second before resuming his place in his book. 


"Hey, Lily?" Ava peered through the door to the girls dormitory, wanting to find Lily to see if she knew why the boys were acting weird. 

"Here!" Lily shouted from the wardrobe as she was searching for clothes. 

"Why are you in the wardrobe?" Ava chuckled as she rounded the corner and saw Lily filing through her old things. 

"Just searching for stuff that I can and can't wear." Lily huffed as she finally threw the remaining clothes in her hands back in the closet and stood up from her crouching position. 

"Do you need help?" Ava asked as she sat on her bed, watching as Lily thread her fingers in her hair before she took a deep sigh. 

"No, I'm done anyway." Lily untangled her fingers from her hair and put them at her sides. 

"You sure?" 


Ava got up from her position on her bed and decided to pick out some clothes for her date with Peter. He had asked her to meet him at the Black Lake for a date but he had seemed rather somber about it. She asked him if he was okay and he played it off as if he was tired, despite his chipper behavior that same day. 

"Do you need something to wear?" Ave filed through the clothes in her closet and picked out an outfit for Lily. 

"You'd lend me that?" Lily asked Ava, in utter awe of the outfit that lied out on Ava's bed

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"You'd lend me that?" Lily asked Ava, in utter awe of the outfit that lied out on Ava's bed. 

"Of course, I mean, you can have it if you want it." Ava shrugged and smiled before turning back to her closet. 


"Yeah." Ava smiled. 

Lily smiled and said a quick 'thank you' before running off to the bathroom. Ava chuckled a bit to herself and put together an outfit for her date. 


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"Perfect." Ava mumbled to herself before walking out the door to her dorm, saying her goodbye to Remus and Sirius who still sat in their space. 


The crisp breeze hit her face and she slightly shivered. There was a slight bit of rain, but not that it mattered. Ava liked the rain, she found it peaceful and a way to get away from reality. Ava reached the lake but Peter was nowhere in sight. She had thought he was late, but then again, so was she. She had spent a bit too much time putting her outfit together. Ava was never one to get dolled up for a guy, but when it came to dates or going out somewhere, a tad of makeup and a pretty outfit made her feel motivated at better about herself. 

"Peter?" Ava called out but got no response. Instead, small whimpers and sobs faintly caught her attention.  

She walked over to the tree they usually sat on and she found him there. His body was tense and his knees were to his chest. He looked horrible. His cheeks were red and tearstained. His body shook with each sob he took. 

"I'm so sorry..." Was all Peter managed to choke out, his eyes trailing to his arm. 

Ava had wide eyes full of sympathy looking at the nerve racked boy. Her eyes followed his gaze and when she looked at his arm, there it was presented. The mark of Voldemort lay rest on his forearm. 

"Peter.." Ava whimpered, tears falling down her face as she looked at him. 

Peter got up, holding his arm. He opened his mouth as if words were to come out, but when  he tried to speak, he just choked on his own words and cried. 

"I-" Peter, again, tried to speak but it was no use, seeing as he then dropped to the ground before clutching his arm. 

Ava was in pure shock but dropped to the ground with him. She put her hands around his neck as he sunk into her embrace. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...." Peter breathed out, his crying had died down but had not stopped. 

"It's gonna be alright, Peter...I promise." Ava still had tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. 

"It won't.." Peter flopped his arms on her lap. "He's already given me a task."

At those words, Ava's heart stopped and she felt numb and scared. 

"What task has he given you?" Ave asked shakily. Her hands were sweaty from her nerves and her eyes were bloodshot. 

"He's asked me sell out James and Lily's location when the time comes."


"He knows about some prophecy and he knows James and Lily will go into hiding for some reason....He wants me to kill them." Peter's hands were now shaking again and he was sobbing. 

Ava's breath hitched and she had not realized tears continuing to flood her cheeks. Her head hurt from crying and her hands were now, too, shaking as well.  She now knew of what he had to do and she felt horrible. A part of her knew she had to leave him, but the other half of her knew she should stay with him. She loved him too much to break him even more.

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