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Word Count: 830

The bell had rung and she was picking up her potions book off the cold, black table lines with jagged scratch marks from the previous classes.

"Oi, White!" The young girl rolled her eyes as she slowly turned around to face the boy she vaguely knew whom was Lucius Malfoy himself. The boy who was rich and powerful. The boy who was handsome and charming. Or at least that's what others though of him. Ava thought of him as a cruel and hypocritical bastard.

"What, Malfoy?" The annoyance in her tone of voice was clear. She had hoped he would roll his eyes and walk away but who was she kidding? Lucius had a massive ego that NEEDED to be fed every chance it got. The pale haired boy walked up to her very slowly, almost like a strut. She eyed his demeanor and almost laughed as a smile tugged the corners of her mouth. Though she fought it back down and kept a straight face.

"Irritated, are we?" He smirked as a laugh crept up his vile throat.

Ava sighed as she turned back around to pack up the rest of her belongings. To her surprise, she was able to pack up her things and turn around to walk away.

"But what about the offer I made you last week? About how we could be something? Us," he paused "we could be great together, United our pure blood families." He smiled triumphantly, certain she would fall to his feet and say yes. But what she said instead would keep him up for nights end.

"You know you are a real bastard Lucius." She stated as his sly smile turned into a shocked expression, earned snickers from his goons in the back. Before he could speak, she cut him off. "You expect everyone to fall at your feet just because you are rich and powerful, and you come from respected people." She scoffed and continued, "Well let me tell you something, you are nothing but a product of pure blood incest and issues in the home. I mean honestly, us?!" She walked up to him, causing their faces to be nearly inches apart.

"In your dreams, Malfoy. Go run off to your beloved Narcissa Black, because there is no US...there is only ME!" She cocked her eyebrow as she threw her back over her shoulder and headed out the door, slamming it shut leaving a confused and shocked Lucius Malfoy.


Wormtail watched as she walked out of the potions classroom, feeling confident about talking to her. He walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder, causing her to jump a little as she turned.

"Sorry if I scared you.." Peter rubbed the bag of his neck as he looked at the floor, hand in his pocket, wondering what he was going to say to the beauty in front of him.

"Oh, it's okay, Peter. I was just about to head to the common room." She reassured the nervous boy in front of her.  'She knows my name?!' Peter thought, though he didn't let his expression change.

"Uhm, I was going to ask you something, but I'm not sure if you would agree.." Peter trailed off. Ava tilted her head with a confused expression, wondering what the nervous boy had to say.

"I was wondering if maybe you would want to go on a date to Hogsmeade with me?" He asked, not sure whether or not it was a good idea.

Ava was a little shocked that a boy like Peter would ask her out. Peter was handsome, there was not doubt in that matter. He always gave off this bad boy vibe that every girl at Hogwarts seemed to love. His bad boy demeanor was always second to his best friend, Sirius's though. It was true that Ava had a crush on Peter for a while but never really said anything because he never gave any emotion to any girl who encountered him. That and she was scared of rejection. Though she never really was able to shake off her attraction to him.

Ava finally spoke up, "Really?! I mean, yeah, sure I would love to go with you!" She tried to sound as calm as she could even though internally, she was screaming.

Peter looked a bit shocked as to her answer but his expression quickly changed from shocked to happy when a smile spread across his pale, pink lips.

"I'll see you later then?" Ava blushed as she started to tread backwards. Peter nodded as he watched her turn around and turn the corner on the way to Gryffindor common room. Peter licked his lips and turned around to walk the opposite direction remembering he had a hangout scheduled with the other Mauraders around the time he had caught up to the beauty he had asked to Hogsmeade. He knew he'd be late and be bitched at, but all he could think about was her.

Cinnamon~ A Peter Pettigrew Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now