Chapter 13-'Serious' Meeting- part 3

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Sinead opened the door, revealing a staircase going up
As they climbed the stairs one by one, Jiah hung back at the bottom.

Jonah looked back in mid step and asked "Why aren't you coming?"

Jiah smiled at him. "I don't think Amy would want me to go. There would be two Ekats if I do."

"Oh.." Jonah scratched behind his neck. "I didn't think of it that way."

Jiah laughed. "I didn't think you would"

Jonah started to climb the stairs again.'

"Oh!" Jiah said. "Can you tell the others to come down using another way? This doors kind of in my room"

It was Jonah's turn to laugh "Sure, see you in the morning"

"Yup, see ya" Jiah said.
Up in the attic........

Amy and Jake was sitting at a long table waiting for them. The table was covered with files, documents and papers.

"Hey guys" Sinead waved at them.

"Hey," Amy said.

Everyone filed in and took a seat.

"Hey, what's this?" Hamilton asked, picking up a sheet of paper in front of me. As he scanned the page, his eyes widened. "School?!? You guys are sending us to school?!?"

Amy nodded. "Well you see Hamilton, you aren't the only one who got expelled from your last school"

"What?! You mean Sinead and Jonah and Ian did too?"

"Well, no. But Ned and Ted did for setting their science labs on fire multiple times and Ian and Natalie get chased by girls and boys all the time so it kind of got dangerous, Jonah .. Is well you know, already has a job so he didn't go to college before and his dad thought it was a good idea." Amy explained.

"You talked to my dad?" Jonah asked.

"Yup" amy replied popping the p. "And also to phoenix's mum and Hamilton's dad.. They agreed it was a good idea."

"So what school are we going to?" Ian asked.

"You, Hamilton, Sinead, Ted, Ned, Jake and Jonah are going to the college I'm attending, Natalie , Phoenix, Atticus, Reagan and Madison is going to Dan's school."

"How bout Jiah?" Jonah asked.

"We'll have to ask her if she wants to go or not."Amy said with a shrug.

"So is this,"Ian said, indicating the piles of paper in front of them,"all stuff about school?"

Amy nodded."one for you and one for your siblings."

"What's this?" Sinead asked, holding up an yellow folder with the Ekatrina crest on the front.

"I was getting to that." Amy said with a smile. "I thought it would be a good idea if we shared information. So every weekend, you guys are going to teach the others what you learnt being in your branch. One week it would be a Lucian class, the next week would be Janus and so on."

"Extra work?" Hamilton groaned.

Everyone laughed.

"So, schools starting again in a week and we need supplies." Amy continued. "tomorrow, we'll rest but the day after that... We're going shopping."

Sinead and Hamilton groaned simultaneously.

"Meeting's over.. You can go sleep now." Amy said with a chuckle.

"Wait." Jonah said. "Jiah asked if we could use another way down.

Amy nodded. "Yup. There's an elevator right over that side. Sinead will show you the way."

The group stood up, collected their papers and said goodnight to each other.
This is the worst chapter i have ever written.........
Oh well.. Next chapter will be better.. I hope 😁😁

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