Chapter 27- School (part 2)

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High school

first period

Sophomore English Literature

Amy and Jake sat side by side as they listened to their Engliah Literature teacher, Mr Armstrong explaining the works of Shakespear. They took notes, Amy listened and paid attention and Jake did as well. The period ended quickly as they were both listening to the things they loved.
Junior History

Hamilton was bored out of his mind. History was first up on his schedule and five minutes in, he already hated it. Until the battle formation of Shaka Zulu came up.

"Anyone know the name of the formation he used?" The voice of Mr Willis drawled. Everyone was silent. Hamilton looked around. it was the most easiest question in the world! He put his hand up.

"yes, Mr Holt?" Mr Willis prompted.

Hamilton began to speak. "Shaka Zulu used the buffalo horn formation. The body moved forward and then th horns form outward to the sides. The enemy was surrounded by his worriors and this technique is still used in wars." Hamilton sat back, satisfied.
Junior Computer studies

Sinead, Ted and Ned walked into the computer lab where they had their first elective they had chosen. The school wanted them to choose three to learn across the whole year. Sinead had chosen Computer Studies, Metal works and Enterprise and Buisness studies and her brothers had chosen the same. They sat in front of eachother in a row with Sinead in the middle. The teacher, Miss Randall came in. She took the roll and made note that the Starlings were accelerated. She started the class, explaining how creatw websites. Then she let the class try themselves. She went arounf each row, giving feedback and help here and there. Then she got to where the starlings were sitting. She was sure they would need some help with the coding. However, she saw tree perfectly laid out, eyecatching websites on thier computers. There were animations and videos, menus and headings laid out perfectly. She was absolutely stunned. Tge boys highfived, claiming that they had beaten their fastest time. Sinea rolles her eyes. The teacher finally pulles herself together and asked,

"Do you know how to do this?"

The three of them nodded.Miss Randall seemiles to think about what she was going to do with these three geniuses in front of her.

Adams Middle School

First period

Dan Cahill and Natalie Kabra

History with Mrs Travis

Dan slid into a seat next to Eric and Natalie just raised an perfectly shaped eyebrow at him. Dan shrugged.

"What? Get your own friends," Dan said. Eric looked up from his phone where he was texting. Recognisation flashes across both his and Natalie's faces and Eric smiled.

" Hey its you! Natalie, right?" Eric asked.

Natalie was suprised that he remembered her name. Actually, she was shocked that he even remembered her. Then she wished that she could disappear. She wasnt ready to face him. She could shoot him with a dart gun that made him forget what happened in the last 5 minutes but she thought that would cause some problems at school. It was Dan who answered Eric for her.

" Hey, you kow each other?" He asked.

Eric nodded with a smile on his face. " yeah, we bumped into eachother at the mall the other day"

Natalie just gave Dan a small nod to confirm the fact. Then her phone buzzed. It was Phoenix.

Hey Nat! Hows ur first period going?

Natalie smiled. She liked Phoenix as a little brother. They had built trust when they were held by the Vespers. She felt a sort of responsibility over him. She texted back.

Haha its good. Ran into someone I didnt want to but oh well. Hows urs?

I like it we have music now and I met a cool girl. Her names Ella and she can sing!

Ooo someone has a crush :P


Natalie smiled and put away her phone, finding a seat beside a window.

She didn't notice but Eric was staring after her.

The Holt twins

Physical Education with Mr Pierce

Reagan and Maidison carried out a series of stretches as they waited for their teacher. Mr Pierce came striding in, yelling,

"Everyone around the field twice, Now!"

The class groaned except for the twins and few other boys and they all started jogging.

"Race ya" Madison said as she surged in front of her sister, poking her tongue out.

"hey!" Reagan shouted and they both laughed. They ran side by side, sometimes one going in front of the other but the other catching up in a blink of an eye. They finished the laps at the sametime in record breaking time. And they were even breathing normally. The next pair to finish was two boys, brown hair and matching eyes, whom suspiciously looke like twins. Madison and Reagan looked at eachother and smiled. School was going to be fun.

Atticus Rosenbloom


Atticus didnt see the point of coming to school. He was a university student for god sakes. But Jake thought it would be a good idea if he made friends with people his own age and not college professors. So here he was, at math, already finished his work and being bored. The girl sitting next to him had black hair and had a dark complexion. Her hair was braided with colourful beads dangling at the ends. She was having trouble on the last question, the hardest. He had watched her as she solved a question one after the other, without any trouble. Now her eyeborws were furrowed as she tried to work out the last question.

"Do you need some help?" Atticus asked.

The girl looked up, with her big brown eyes and nodded. She showed him the question.

"I don't get how you solve the area. I got the primeter though."

Atticus nodded. "yup you got that right. If you split the shape in to a triangle and a rectangle, you can get the area by getting the areas for the both shaped than adding it together. You need to use Pythagoras as well.

The girls eyes lighted up. " Oh. I see." then she got to working out the question. She finiahed about 30 seconds later. It was easy for her now as she knew what formula to use.

" Thanks!" She said brightly. " My name's Chelsea."

"Mines Atticus."

They smiled at each other.

Phoenix Wizard

Music with Mr Edward-Paul

Phoenix was having fun. He was playing the guitar and a guy named Jonathan was on the drums. Another named Sam was on the Bass and Ella was singing. Phoenix thought Ella looked pretty when she sang. She had the most beautiful voice as well. He smiled. First period and he met two cool guys and a hot girl.


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