Chapter 30- Going Home

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Natalie slipped into her class and found Madison and Reagan had already sat down with Zach and Josh, leaving her without a person to sit with. She sighed and looked around the class to see if there were any seats she could sit with when she saw a guy named Simon, that she had met in math earlier on, waving his hand at her. There was a empty seat next to him. Natalie quickly took it, before anyone else took it and was grateful that she did because just seconds after she got her books and and the copy of "October Sky" that was required to be read that term, Julia and her gang walked in. they took their seats at the back. The teacher walked in, and the class started. The roll was taken and Mr Reade gave them 15 minutes of silent reading time.

While Natalie was absorbing herself in her book, Julia however did not care about the task at hand and was texting her friend, Caitlin. She was going on about how she and Eric was having the same class as Natalie, the new girl. Eric on the other hand was trying to figure out a way to talk to Natalie and apologize for his girlfriend's behavior and the rumour she had started.

The class ended with Mr Reade telling the class to finish the book in two weeks and the students piled out. Julia hurried off the cheerleading practice and Eric saw this as a chance to talk to Natalie. Tough luck. Natalie didn't want to talk. She went out the door, merging in to the crowd and went outside where Fiske was waiting for them. She was the first one to make it on to the van, followed by the twins. Ian joined them shortly after closing the door hurriedly after him. The girls looked out the one way window and saw a group of girls, looking around for him. They laughed and Fiske joined them. Atticus, Dan and Phoenix also got on and Amy and Jake a few moments later. There were only three seats left when the Starlings got on and they told Fiske that Hamilton, Jonah and Jiah were taking the bus. Fiske nodded and started the car. The trip back to the mansion was filled with conversations and laughter. Phoenix who was laughing about how Hamilton owned his history lesson was interrupted by his phone, that let out a small 'ding' that announced that he had received a message. He unlocked his iphone and smiled as he saw the message was from Ella. Natalie, who was sitting next to Phoenix looked over and laughed. "Phoenix's girlfriend texted him!" she shouted and the van now was filled with laughter once again.

And so was the bus that was headed towards Attleboro. Jiah sat, headphones plugged, next to Hamilton, who was talking to Jonah across the aisle. Jiah had her eyes closed, her head resting on the seat and was asleep. As the bus turned around a corner and Jiah's head, that was resting on the head rest, plopped down. Hamilton and Jonah noticed.

"Does she look uncomfortable to you too?" Jonah asked Hamilton.

"should I just like push it back again?"

"But then it will happen again. Are you planning to push her head back everytime we turn a corner?" Jonah asked.

"Then what should I do?"

"How about like you rest it on your.. I dunno? Shoulder?"

Hamilton looked shocked. "What?"

"She is going to have a sore neck is she stays like that" Jonah reminded him

Hamilton sighed and carefully rested Jiah's head on his shoulder.

"There, happy?" Hamilton asked.

"I know you are" Jonah replied with a wink

The Other Cahill (A 39 Clues fanfiction- COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now