Taking Chances - Chapter 15

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Julia and I were out at lunch together, after we sat in the car for ten minutes just trying to decide on where to go. We decided on 'Maggie's Tavern' which was a family-owned restaurant not too far from either of our houses. I picked her up and we chatted in the car before we decided on the place. Now, we're here, sipping on our mimosas and looking over the menu.

"Can I ask you something?" I look up at her from my drink, setting it aside.

"Of course, what's up?" She asks, pushing the menu to the side and resting her hands on the table.

"Do you remember Hanson Miller?"

"Yeah, of course I do," she lets out a laugh and shrugs her shoulders, "why are we talking about him?"

I sighed and tilted my head to the side, "he's Parker's friend and drug supplier," my voice is quiet, although we are far enough away from people for anyone to overhear our conversation. "I was with Parker yesterday and he stopped by Hanson's house to get some things. Anyway, Hanson recognized me, obviously, and it started a bit of an argument between Parker and I."

"Oh fuck, did he say anything about the two of you sleeping together?"

"Parker had his assumptions, so of course I was honest with him and told him the truth. Which really didn't do the situation any justice or make things better, but I'd rather tell him the truth than feel guilty and hide it from him. Ya know what I mean?"

Julia moves her gaze past me for a brief second then looks at me again, giving a reassuring smile. "I know what you mean. Better to be honest than not. Are you guys okay now though?"

I nod my head and reach for my glass, taking a quick sip, "yeah, I think so. He still seemed a bit on edge or something when I left, but Parker is always a bit hard to read anyway, so I think it's just his demeanor. I'm really not sure, but I don't want to bring up the past anymore with him. At least nothing containing Hanson."

"Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Has he asked you at all about why you moved out here? I mean, I know you two discussed it a bit, but he hasn't gotten all of the story, right?"

"No," my answer comes out quick and forceful, surprising myself with my tone. "Sorry, no. I just haven't talked with him about it yet and he hasn't pushed the topic more, so I just haven't said anything. I'm not sure if I'm ready for him to know yet, especially after the Hanson news."

Julia lets out a small laugh and shrugs, "that's true. I would tell him, at least if I was you. You two seem more serious than you act and I think he would really open up to you more if you shared something like that with him. Remember, we all have skeletons in our closets."

I nod, thinking about what Julia said. I'm sure that Parker had worse things happen to him than I have, I know he's been through some experiences in life that have paved the way for where he is today, as have I. If only Parker knew the depths of my secrets, the evil that I have looked in the face. Maybe then he wouldn't see me for the pure, innocent girl he perceives me to be. I've worked really hard to change who I am, to change my reputation, and I'm not sure I want to share that old part of me with Parker. Although, I am thankful that Hanson left that part of my story out when he opened up to Parker about our past.

The waitress comes back to collect our orders and menus. Julia of course went with a burger and fries as I chose a grilled chicken sandwich with broccoli. We handed our menus to the waitress and she headed towards the kitchen to put our order in. For the rest of lunch, we talked about school and how we were both done with it and ready for it to be over with. I had only a few classes left and I was officially done, whereas Julia still had about half a year left before her degree was finished. She was a digital media student and I was trying my best just to finish up my English Bachelor's with a minor in Business.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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