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Seeing him back at the roundtable was a sight I didn't realize I missed so much. The rest of the team was filling him in on everything else going on, discussing another house that Lindsey was working out of.  He had a tight grip on my hand the entire time. Spencer had always been touch starved. Ever since we started dating, he would always try and keep as much contact with me as possible. I knew that it was gonna be damn near impossible to spilt him from me any time soon.

When the team started to disperse, Emily stopped us and closed the door. "I need you two to take Brent and head over to his house. See if there's anything you can spot in your mom's room."

"But I'm not reinstated."

"You are a family member of the resident." He nodded as she went off with the rest of the team.

Spencer went to stand in front of the door, but stopped and didn't open it. Right then, I realized how deep his trauma was. He still thought he couldn't open doors himself. I knew I'd have my work cut out for me, but I would gladly keep reassuring him everyday that he was safe and no longer in that prison. I reached my hand up and ran it across his back.

"Sweetie, it's open."

"Right." He quickly snapped out of it and opened the door. As we made our way to get my dad, his hand went right back into mine. And we couldn't go without Delilah having to give her dad one more big hug.

In the car, everyone was pretty quiet.  I could tell Spencer's thoughts were running a mile a minute. If I was in his place, I know I would be overthinking too. I'm sure he had the weight of the world on his shoulders right now.

When we pulled up to the house, I flashed my badge and they let us all in. Spencer started to look around the room, halting once he noticed the scrapbook. "What is it, Spence?"

"This photo was on a different page." He picked up the photo and flipped it over. Written in red was 'XX-XY', the chromosomes for a man and a women. "What do you think it means?"

"Probably to let us know Lindsey and Scratch are working together."

Once we dropped my dad back off at the office, we got a video from Emily. It was what they found at the house they stormed. What we weren't expecting was who the video would be from.

It was none other that Cat Adams. An unsub that forced Spencer to tell everyone about his mother's alzheimer's. He wanted to tell them on his own terms, but she just had to get into his head and make him miserable.

In the video, she talked about how her and Lindsey were impersonating Scratch and that Spencer would have to go see her if he wanted his mom back. Once it finished, he put his head in his hands and started to breathe heavily. I quickly pulled him into an empty room and locked the door. He slid down the wall as his legs gave out from under him.

I sat next to him, letting him know that I was still here if he needed me. After a moment, he reached out for me and pulled my into a hug. I tried my best to continue to comfort him until we were interrupted by a text from Emily. She was letting us know that we needed to head to the jet soon.

He looked up at me with worry in his eyes. I knew I had to give him one hell of a pep talk in order to get him off of this floor.

"Spence, I know that there is nothing I could say or do that would take away the pain you're going through right now. You shouldn't have to do this, but sadly, we have to. Trust me, if I could, I would send you home right now and not have you worry about a thing besides what you and your daughter are going to talk about tonight. But you're doing this for your mom, and I know that's your top priority. Just know I'm gonna be right there with you and that you have one of your biggest cheerleaders in the other room if you need her. Just know that it's gonna be okay and I'll be there for you if things start getting rough."

Hold My Girl (spencer reid x oc) ✅Where stories live. Discover now