Pumpkin Goblin and Red hood snuck in
Red hood: What the hell?
They see cells that children are in.
Pumpkin Goblin walks close to one the cells.
Pumpkin Goblin: Hey, hey... It's okay.
A little girl crying inside the cell.
Pumpkin Goblin: I'm going to try.
Out no where the kid started to flame up
Kid: HELP ME!!!
Red hood runs ro pumpkin Goblin.
The kid inside the cell flame stop.
Kid went back to normal.
Kid: Please... Please let me out...
Pumpkin Goblin: Can you control it...
Kid: No.... I never wanted this...
Red hood: Jesus christ...
Pumpkin Goblin looks at hos left and sees more kids in a cell but with powers.
One cell says... X-Boy...
X-Boy: Hello?
Red hood: Oh... Hi...
X-Boy: Are you gonna to kill us...
Red hood: Aw... No...
X-Boy: Then why is Golden Hurting us.
Pumpkin Goblin: Golden?...
X-Boy: Yeah... What... your not working with him...
Red hood: No...
Red hood pushes the button to let the cells open.
Pumpkin Goblin: What you doing?
Red hood: I'm not letting these kids go through what We been through!
Pumpkin Goblin: We don't know what these kids powers are?
X-Boy: I really want to thank that Guy i do?
Pumpkin Goblin looks at the kid.
Pumpkin Goblin: Who?... Golden?
X-boy: No... There was this guy and.. he stopped the couch what he was going to do to my brother.
Red Hood: I believe his name is.. Yakko.
Pumpkin Goblin looks at red hood.
Red hood: Do you know where Golden went?
X-Boy: Yeah in that room.
Pumpkin Goblin: Don't worry kid we call the police and hospital to take care of this.
Red hood and Pumpkin Goblin runs to the room and sees more cells but there was 4 dead bodies.
Goblin: SUPPOSE!!!
Red hood: Suppose?... Motherfucker do you really call this a suppose. Kids in cells and 4 dead bodies
Pumpkin Goblin: It's not even supposing anything.
Goblin: You see this... THIS!... Is wbat i really been looking for... I select all the files, all Thomas's enemies and NOTHING!!!
Red Hood: What are you even looking for?
Goblin: I FOUND IT!!... Wakko isn't one of the pumpkin Goblins... Not even Lisa... Not dot.. not Phoebe not thomas. It's me... And this person files..
Red hood: Who's that fiile from?
Goblin with a evil smile.
Goblin: Your Twin Brother...
Red hood: What?..
Goblin: I read the blood testes. And we have another brother.. A brother that Thomas never told us...
Pumpkin Goblin: Who?
Goblin puts his arms to the half his body at the arm with hsi eyes opened and his mouth whole opened smile.
Goblin: You think I wouldn't tell you straight away at the beginning... Like all the other files...
Goblin started to use the files and hit it at a box.
I'm fucking trying everything here... Like.. Why.. just why care about Thimas if he keeping things from not only me. But you and wakko Dot, lisa and god knows who else is in our fucking family tree!!
Red hood: Kopa why are you even trying?!
Goblin: I'm fucking trying to get full proof that this family is fucking has a bad history... Like use your fucking head yakko... Ralph... scratchansniff and that bitch... Cian Evans, Salazar Big man... Bruce won't tell me what was in that history so that why i killed him... I know Jerome knows Bullet doesn't... But someone needs to spell the shit here... I nees to know who is the 3rd Pumpkin Goblin is... Who.
Red hood: Kopa?..
Behind Kopa there was a person wearing glasses and holding a gun.
???: Lookie here... Kopa... Wakko... and yakko..
He puts his head on a person chest.
???: Oh... still alive... Now.
He shots one the bodies on the ground.
???: Shut the hell up... And let me see what's going on here.
He looks at Yakko's eyes and sees something that they can't see.
??: Now that's... Something...
The person shot himself.
Goblin: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
Yakko takes his mask off and looks at the dead body. But.. yakko's eyes.. are.. orange..
Pumpkin Goblin: My god... Your the 3rd Pumpkin Goblin..
Yakko: No... I can't be?
Goblin: Fucking bullshit... There's no way The 3rd Pumpkin Goblin is Yakko.
Pumpkin Goblin: Look at him Kopa... Sees his eyes. That's a sign.
Goblin looks at his eyes.
Goblin: Holy shit....It can't be..
Yakko: I'm not like you!
Goblin: Oh believe me... I never wanted you to be like me...
Red hood looks at him in anger.

Yakko as the Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 6: The big twist hate
FanfictionEverything going to war. Toddler is the mayor now Goblin has a army and Raven has return to RevageCity. But when The Team finds something terrible that Thomas has been hiding has be revealed. Yakko has to face off Goblin. But it's hard to Yakko to f...