There was a old house at south Revage
X-Boy was living there. He holds a photo of another kid that is with him.
X-Boy name is Bubbles.
Bubbles: I miss you brother... I never forget that day when i lose.
A flesh back to 2010.
Bubble's brother name is Jason. They're not blood brothers because they skin is not the same. Jason is black and bubbles is white.
Jason has a comedy option and Bubbles is afraid of everything. Back then Bubbles is 12 and Jason was 13.
Bubbles: Bro i think we should go to comic store and see if that new Comic is out!
Jason: Dud you need something to eat.. come on. We go Starbucks.
Bubbles: But they do coffee and ice tea and all.
Jason: And there cookies there and food so you can get a cookie and i can get a coffee.
Bubbles: Okay.
They made it to star bucks.
Jason: Here Bubs I be back i need to get something I ordered.
Bubbles: Ok. Few minutes late Bubbles got the coffee.
He went out and look for Jason.
Bubbles sees a van that Ralph and Scratchansniff and Nurse were in and at the back Jason was kidnapped.
Bubbles: JASON!!
Bubbles runs to the van but failed to save his brother..
Bubbles: JASON!!
The flesh back ended.
Bubbles is 19 years old.
Bubbles: If i ever see that basard again... I try an find you brother...
At the middle of the night Pumpkin Goblin was in night watch. He sees a fire at the revage Camp.
He gets there and he sees kids under cars stick.
Pumpkin Goblin gets the civilians out.
Pumpkin Goblin: Don't panic! Let's get to the exit.
Pumpkin Goblin sees someone walks light up.
???: Hello Pumpkin Goblin... Where's you boss.
pumpkin Goblin: Who ars you?
???: Let me Express myself... call me... Negative!
Pumpkin Goblin attacks Negative.
Pumpkin Goblin: You need to chill out.
Negative: I don't need a side kick to battle me. Aren't you post to be telling your Boss.
Pumpkin Goblin: OK! First of... We're partners!.. and second he's not my boss. And Third... He's my brother!... And I going to kick your ass so keep it up smart ass.
Negative throws a firer ball at Pumpkin Goblin and he went through a tree.
Negative: Sorry i can't stay for long Goblin wanted me to trackyou.
Pumpkin Goblin: For fecksake. By the way.. what did me and red devil ever do to you.
Negative: Aww... Nothing personal it's just git pay rent and bills and power and all. A man got do what a man does...
A tree fell and when pumpkin Goblin loomed again He was gone.
The kids under the screaming for help. And fire symbol like a big hand grabbed the car and threw it away from the kids.
It's alright now kids..
Flamer shows up and she use her fire power to grave all the fkre and make in up the sky into a fire work.
Everyone sees it and cheers.
Pumpkin Goblin follows her.
At the roof of a building pumpkin Goblin sees her.
Pumpkin Goblin: Thank you...
Flamer: Your welcome wakko...
Pumpkin Goblin: I haven't seen you in years... Elmyra.
Flamer: It's Flamer now Wakko..
Pumpkin Goblin: I haven't seen you after...
Flamer: Yakko put me in Superjail.
Pumpkin Goblin: Yeah... But.. that's because.
Flamer: I'm not looking for revage I'm not...
Pumpkin Goblin: Oh... Good.
Flamer: I missed you Wakko.
Pumpkin Goblin: Elmyra we're not Together again.
Flamer: We never were.
Flamer goes close to wakko.
Flamer: Good thing you have your mouth showing from your mask.
Flamer kisses Wakko in his mouth. It last 20 seconds.
Flamer slowly takes her shirt off and she takes Wakko's mask off.
Wakko takes his armour off.
She puts Wakko on the roof floor.
Flamer: I missed you.
She went to take her pant off and... well.. you know

Yakko as the Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 6: The big twist hate
FanfictionEverything going to war. Toddler is the mayor now Goblin has a army and Raven has return to RevageCity. But when The Team finds something terrible that Thomas has been hiding has be revealed. Yakko has to face off Goblin. But it's hard to Yakko to f...