I forgive you

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Back at the toxic chemicals Elmyra sitting on a bed at the emergency room.
Yakko walks in. He looks at Elmyra and he sits next to her.
Yakko: Listen I'm sorry... I'm sorry to not to trust and believe you... It's just... My brother tried to get into other girls but.. when they leave him. He goes to depression and I can't stand myself to see him go through that... But.. i understand now... He doesn't want any girls.. he wants you... And when i met Emma all i can think of is her... And wakko can only think of you...
Elmyra: Thanks Yakko... and I'm sorry to hurting you and all.
Yakko: I derives it... But If you make wakko happy and he's happy to be with you... Then that makes me happy...
Elmyra: You were right about me Yakko... I was evil.. But when I wasn't allow to see him again.. I couldn't forgive myself for what I done... I missed him everyday... And now that i here with him... I never want to lose him again.
Yakko smiles at Elmyra.
Yakko: Friends....
Yakko pulls his hand out for hand sake.
Elmyra: Friends...
Theu sake hands.
Wakko watching at the glass with a smile.
Lisa entered the room.
Lisa: We got a problem...
Down stairs the TV was playing and yakko and Elmyra and Wakko and lisa sees who it is.
Goblin was at the tv.
Goblin: HEELLLOOO... Red Army... Do you really... really take Yakko as your hero.. will then... want the truth.
Yakko: NO!
Goblin: Wakko and lisa were never the other two pumpkin goblins... Me... the 1st... My another secret brother that is twins to yakko is the 2st Pumpkin Goblin... And... the 3rd is..
Yakko: KOPA DON'T!!
Goblin: Yakko Warner Aka the red hood.
Everyone looks at yakko.
Goblin: Good RevageCity...
The yv video ends and everyone walks up to yakko.
Yakko: Ok,ok,ok... Me and Wakko findout whem we were at V and Goblin was there... This random person comes up and he looks at me... then... he kills himself... I toke off my mask and wakko... wakko saw orange eye colour on me.
Jerome: Yakko.... Did you knew.
Yakko:... No.... I didn't... My father never told me...
Lisa: Okay this is really sad but... i have one question.
Yakko: What?
Lisa: Who's that kid?
They all look at the left and sees X-Boy.
X-Boy: Hello is there a sign up to be a hero or do i got to put a criminal in jail?
Yakko: Who are you?
X-Boy: You know me...
X-Boy takes off his mask.
Bubbles: Remember the two kids... And... Ralph... Two kids in the locker room and Ralph came up to my brother...
Yakko: Holy shit... It's you...
Bubbles: It's a honour to met you... Red hood...

To be Continue

Yakko as the Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 6: The big twist hateWhere stories live. Discover now