At superjail Toddler was at his cell.
Hey clown. You really want to make a deal.
Toddler: YEAH aw wait?.. who said that.
???: Call me.. Flamer..
Toddler: So girl?
Flamer: Girl...
Toddler: So what's this that you can... Get us out...
Flamer: Kevin is now the mayor... So Yakko or the name he goes with Red hood is going to be hard to go after... Believe me shit happens...
Toddler: Aw, But The Toddler works alone... Sorry but not sorry. I find away out my own way.
Flamer: fairywill...
Flamer us her powers at a wall and she makse a hole and he goes through it.
Toddler: Wow... That was quite.
Flame shots at other walls.
SHe let's Tiker out, Music man Doctor Maniac and Wa Red Hood. All the villains.
Flamer: That let our Hot Wakko playing Super hero. Well...
Flamer shoots at the Toddler's wall.
Toddler: QWWWLLOOO...
Toddler looks outside.
Toddler: I guess that's my dinnr time.
Toddler running miles.
Toddler: come Legs. Don't gve up on me now!
Flamer starting cops on fire.
Flamer: Oh boys don't be blue... Be Fire!
Flamer escape Superjail.
Back at the factory Yakko was in his room.
Emma looking at the glass.
Emma: How?...
Wakko: I don't know... But Kopa was right about onw thing....
Emma: What's that?
Wakko: Thomas shouldn't have kept the secrets to himself.
Emma walks in the room.
Emma: Yakko...
She sees yakko has tears on his eyes.
Yakko: Emma... Please... Keep away from me.
Yakko holding hims sitting at a corner.
Emma: Yakko... Please let us help you...
Yakko: How?.... Even I didn't know I was the 3rd one...
wakko walks in.
Wakko: Your not alone... Yakko even you be the 3rd pumpkin Goblin the whome time you still did great things.. how is this deffent then anything else we went through?
Yakko: It's just... The way... The way i had his neck... Channing him... I couldn't forgive myself
Wakko: But he's not dead... There still Yakko and a Res hood in you... Ok yeah we now know you and Kopa and... our secret brother...
Yakko: Your right... But there's one thing I Don't understand is why would our father keep out whole family history a secret.
Wakko: I don't know... But i can tell this is only the beginning.

Yakko as the Red Hood: Three Pumpkin Goblins chapter 6: The big twist hate
FanfictionEverything going to war. Toddler is the mayor now Goblin has a army and Raven has return to RevageCity. But when The Team finds something terrible that Thomas has been hiding has be revealed. Yakko has to face off Goblin. But it's hard to Yakko to f...