Chapter 33

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Neville's POV:

He felt silly, but he needed someone to talk to. With his quill in hand and parchment on his desk, he wrote to the mysterious gift-giver.

"Hi, it's Neville Longbottom. I know you must not want to talk to me at all, but I needed someone to speak to and I thought you'd be a good person for that. I've been feeling down lately, mostly about my father. I was told the other day that he is now dead. I never even got to hear his voice or get a hug from him or hear 'I love you, Neville!' But now it's too late. I should've known he'd never get better. My mother is still alive, but she isn't exactly in good shape either. You can say anything to her, but she won't respond like she should. I've never heard an 'I love you, Neville!' From her either. I have a grandmother, but she is kind of reserved. Not that she doesn't love me. If she didn't, I'd probably not even live there anymore and I wouldn't see my parents at the hospital. I also got broken up with today. It's weird though, I'm not really sad about the break up but rather sad that maybe I was too boring? Maybe I was too weird or ugly? Maybe I shouldn't be talking to you about this, but my grandmother would simply say, 'Sorry about that Neville. Hope it gets better!' Then go about her day. Then again, she is also grieving with me I'm sure. Sorry if this is too depressing. You don't have to reply I promise. I just needed to vent. That's all. Goodbye."

He folded up the letter and gave it to his owl. He opened the window and the owl flew away. He didn't expect his owl to come back with a letter, but luckily enough, he came back nearly thirty minutes later with a letter in beak.

He opened it up and smiled.

"Hello, Neville. Never think I don't want to talk to you, I simply keep my distance to be respectful to you. However, I will always be here if you need me. I really am sorry for your loss. That must feel terrible. I can't imagine what it must be like, but I know what it's like to not have a normal family that's for sure. As for your break up, I'm really sorry that happened. I don't think it would be because you're boring because I think you're the most interesting person in the world! It can't be because you're ugly because well... you're not at all! Just look at you! I'm shocked anyone would think you are anything but attractive. And you aren't weird, not at all. People just don't know you enough and they often make assumptions without evidence. If she thinks any of these things about you, which I'm sure she doesn't, then she was a bad match anyways. You deserve love, don't ever think otherwise. You deserve every good thing in the world to happen to you because you're a good person with a good heart. I'm sorry such terrible things happen to you, they shouldn't. The universe really is attacking the wrong person, that's for sure. By the way, this isn't too depressing at all. In fact, you can tell me anything and everything, no matter how sad or terrible it is. If you need a safe space, I'm right here. I'll never judge you and I'll never turn you away. I promise you. If I was as brave as you, perhaps I would meet you face to face and make an unbreakable vow to you saying that I'd never judge you and always be a place of comfort for you. But since that would terrify me and ruin everything, you must trust me instead. Just know that not everything is your fault and everything gets better with time. I know that's hard to believe, especially for me, but for someone like you it's inevitable to get better with time. You'll find a person who truly loves you and you'll find peace. It may take a while, but it'll come. Thank you for confiding in me and I really hope you find happiness."

Neville smiles wide and writes once again.

"Thank you, mystery man. I feel much better. I'm glad you talked to me because I was honestly worried you wouldn't. I'm just really scared that my mother will die soon as well, but I hope she doesn't. I'm also pretty scared for the future. I often forget it, but then I remember that he-who-must-not-be-named is back and maybe we will all die. Again, sorry to make everything so grim. I just wish things were normal. Also, if you don't mind, I want to know about your family. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you don't have to say anything. Again, thank you so much. P.S. I'm not brave at all, but thanks anyways."

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