Chapter Seven

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As Touka comes out of the back of Anteiku and stands behind the counter with me, I can't help but think back to this morning when she opened the door on me shirtless. I smile and blush a little bit; the way she acted this morning wasn't anything like the Touka I see daily. 

Touka scowls a bit as she starts to wash the dishes with me. Her hair is covering one side of her face as always, her eyes having the tiniest glint in them. She's so pretty; yet so hostile. It's like two different personalities connected by looks and character. Glass after glass, plate after plate, mug after mug. This cycle continues on for about twenty minutes until my phone - which is on the edge of the bench - buzzes almost violently with what I assume is a text message. 

I pick it up, reading the text that appears on my inbox screen. 

What do you call a train that eats everything? A chew chew train! Wanna catch up? - H 

I can't help but laugh at Hide's horrible pun, pressing my thumb against the hard plastic buttons to reply. Suddenly, mid text, I hear a crashing sound as I look over my shoulder to see Touka standing there, hands clenched. Below and in-front of her lays several sharp shards of glass surrounding her feet. I can easily tell that she's just dropped a glass. She stands there for a few more seconds before bending down and starting to pick up the shards with a towel.

"Hey, you okay?" 

I ask, bending down to help her. As soon as those words leave my mouth, though, I immediately wish the hadn't. 

"I'm fine! I can do this myself!"

Touka practically shouts at me, and I watch as people both customers and employees alike, stare at either me or Touka. After finishing picking the pieces of the glass up, she dumps her towel in the drying rack and storms out of the kitchen. Whether it be out of anger or embarrassment, I can't tell. It's hard to read Touka's emotions.

The door slams with a loud bang and a soft 'ring' as she ultimately leaves the room. 

"What's up with her?" 

Nishiki says, storming up to me with a load of dishes and a trashcan. 

"I don't know." 

I say, worried. I hope she'll be okay. Touka hasn't exactly been acting herself lately; this isn't like her at all. 


I sit on the floor against my bed, my head resting against the soft mattress. I grip the edges of the bed as my cheeks turn red with embarrassment. My hand stings; when I dropped the glass, I cute myself quite badly. Not that I care. I sink my head into the edge of my bed even more, feeling the tears come on. 

When Kaneki's phone went off, and when he laughed, he sounded so amused; so happy. I panicked, and I assumed it was that girl Kaneki seems to be so in love with. I got so angry; I just broke. Haha, so did the glass. Tears start to flow more fluently as I recall my stupidity; baka! 

What is wrong with you, Touka? This isn't like you, god dammit! 

A voice inside my head says, but I ignore it. I fumble with my bloodied fingers, not looking up from the floor. 

"Get your shit together, Touka. What happened to that hard exterior?" 

I ask myself, clenching my fingers together. 

I sigh. Being around Kaneki isn't good for me; I'll have to talk to Yoshimura about my hours. It's not like I don't want his company, but it'd be better if I avoided him as much as possible. My still lingering feelings for him seem to be getting in the way of everything, especially his relationship with said girl. 

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