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The world had turned black.


Malfoy shot out of his seat and looked around the car for any sign of movement. It could have been Death Eaters or Dementors, for all he knew. It definitely seemed like something one of Voldemort's followers would do, which Draco realized with a frown included him.

His eyes scanned the doorway. He swore for a moment he could see a flash of fabric.

The moment before everything became black, Draco had made sure the box was secure. Was he going to get caught?

Everyone in the car began to chat in frightened voices. He spun around in the same spot and shouted, "What was that? Blaise?"

Blaise had awoken from his cat nap and peered through the darkness at Draco with groggy eyes. He groaned. "Don't know."

Pansy spoke up. "Relax boys, it's probably just a first-year messing around. Come on, Draco. Sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon."

The shroud of darkness faded away, and Draco was able to see Pansy's anxious face as she looked at him. He nodded and slid back into the seat.

The attack, or whatever it was, left Draco shaken.

"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. Think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I had to continue for another two years," he said in disgust. Idiotic first-years. Honestly, everyone there was pathetic.

Pansy leaned forward. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Draco smirked, keeping his gaze on the window. "Let's just say I don't think you'll see me wasting my time in Charms class next year."

Blaise scoffed to himself, still half-asleep.

Draco bickered with Blaise until his eye caught the sudden movement of his bag. He knitted his brows as the bag shifted to the ledge.

Suddenly, it all clicked in his head. The fabric, and the mischievous look on Harry's face.

Potter was onto Draco. Draco bristled at the thought and scratched his palm in fear. He felt that Blaise and Pansy might notice how the color began to drain from his face, but they seemed too annoyed with him to care.

The train ride couldn't have seemed any longer, but when it finally pulled into the station, Draco felt his shoulders relax from their tense position.

Blaise and Pansy stood and grabbed their bags. They waited for Draco to do the same.

He waved a hand for them to go.

"You two go on, I want to check something," he murmured. They shrugged and left him without a second thought.

Draco could feel Harry's presence in the car. He waited long enough to collect himself and consider his options before standing.

The blinds closed at the same time as the door locked behind Draco. He held his wand out, now poised at the bag.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?" Draco snarled. In one fluid motion, Draco flourished his wand at the bag and shouted, "Petrificus Totalus!"

There was a loud thud as Harry's body met the floor.

Draco stared at the prone, invisible body with crazed eyes. A rush of rage surged through Draco.

There he was. Harry Potter. The boy who had ruined his family's name and sent Draco into a world of hell.

He thrust the Invisibility Cloak off of the boy. He stared down at Harry's glazed eyes and set mouth. His arms sat perfectly straight at his sides.

Draco couldn't restrain himself from the pure hatred that came flooding out of his mouth and limbs. "Oh yeah. She was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin."

His words were followed by a sickening and satisfying crunch as Draco's heel met Harry's nose. He seethed. "That's for my father. Enjoy your ride back to London."

The Invisibility Cloak fell gracefully over Harry's body as Draco covered him up. His perfect face, which used to have only one scar, now had two. That image gave Draco enough joy to last him the entire year.

He adjusted his tie and unlocked the door. Draco stepped out of the train.

The witches and wizards at the station had all filtered out, with only a few sixth and seventh-years left chatting under lampposts and passing suspicious looking packages under scarves.

Draco let out a long-awaited exhale that loosened every taut muscle of his body. The knowledge that Harry laid still with an irreparable broken nose in the train gave Draco life.

The time on Draco's silver watch read nine forty-six. He had plenty of time to grab the rest of his luggage and make it to the Hogwarts castle.

But first, he had a stop to make.



All credit of the dialogue in this chapter goes to J.K. Rowling, who wrote these parts!

I only added the description and Draco's POV — but in a different and more personal sense.

I know this is pretty short but I've had a lot going on personally, hope you all enjoyed anyway :)


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