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Name : Mia
Second name : Slytherin

Your name was a proud name known by all wizards and witches. Your great great grandfathers was Salazar Slytherin he helped make Hogwarts with Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Griffendor. They all made their own houses. The school they made was also the one you have attended for the past five years with all your friends and sisters.

Patrons - snake
House - Slytherin
Quidditch position - seaker
Height - 5,2
Eyes : grey
Blood : pure
Nik name - Slytherin princess
Birthday - 11th July
Age : 14 ( youngest in your year )
Year : 5th
Hobby : quidditch and listening to music


As you know your grandfather is very famous , so is your parents they would have a party every Friday night witch you would attend on holidays. But when you were at Hogwarts you and friends would have a party of your own. Because you stole your grandads diary you could get into the chamber of secrets. NO one and when I say NO ONE knows were the chamber of secrets is I mean it except for you

Damon Salvatore - Slytherin - hot boy - flirt - year above

Stefan Salvatore - Slytherin - cute - kinda shy - romantic - year above

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Stefan Salvatore - Slytherin - cute - kinda shy - romantic - year above

Stefan Salvatore - Slytherin - cute - kinda shy - romantic - year above

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Tom riddle - Slytherin - same year - bad boy

Adrian Pusey - Slytherin - quidditch player - fuck boy

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Adrian Pusey - Slytherin - quidditch player - fuck boy

Adrian Pusey - Slytherin - quidditch player - fuck boy

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Mother - Sarah Slytherin

Father - Chase Slytherin

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Father - Chase Slytherin

Older sister - fallon Slytherin

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Older sister - fallon Slytherin

Older sister - fallon Slytherin

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Younger sister - jade

That's all you really need to know to get started in the story ;)

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That's all you really need to know to get started in the story ;)

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