. The day before leaving .

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The next morning you woke up in your bedroom with the boys gone You were so confused checking around the house seeing if they played a prank on you then You ran down the stairs like your life depended on it just to see the group of boys stuffing food in their mouth along with your parents

Mum : glad to see you joined us
You : sorry I slept in
Tom : excuses excuses
Dad : ( laughs ) boy you guys are funny
Damon : I don't think you should take that funny
Dad : and why is that
Tom : because I'm being serious
Dad : even better
Cedric : you should get some breakfast Mia
Mia : I'm not that hungry I'm gonna go get dressed I'll be back in a minute

You walked upstairs and choose this outfit

You walked upstairs and choose this outfit

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Then went downstairs again

Mum : Mia remember you have to pack your stuff for school today
You : sounds good mum

Giving her a hug before you walked to the living room were the boys were getting ready to go home except for Noah who was watching them search for something.

Adrian : hey Mia we're is the flu powder 
Tom : fair enough because you always have it hidden somewhere
You : guess so ( reaching into a cuberd  )
Damon : me and Stefan will go first
You : okie there ya go
( handing them flu powder )

You made sure they all got home except for Adrian he was staying at yours because he was going to help you get ready then come with you to the train station so you both went up to your room he was taking all your bag and putting them on your bed

You : thank you Adrian ( smiling at him )
Noah : no problem short arse
Adrian : so are you excited for tomorrow
You : I guess so I'm more nervous
Adrian : and why is that
( putting an arm around you )
You : I guess it's because I have to go back and be a bitch
Adrian: you don't have to be one
You : but I do

You felt like you had to. Or your slytherin status wouldn't last for any longer and your popularity would leave you

Adrian : if that's how you feel ( holding his hands up like he was caught for stealing )
You : it is but what about you
Adrian : I'm pumped we get to play quidditch
You : yea omg i forgot about quidditch
Adrian : shit one
You : we are gonna beat everyone's asses
Adrian : so have you got the Halloween costumes
You : yep we will all look so cool
Adrian : better we are gonna have the biggest Slytherin rave ever
You : it's gonna be so cool
Adrian: so what are we going to be ( smiling super bug putting his head forward from his body )
You : I'm gonna be a devil and you are all going to be angles
Adrian : that will be so cool
You : indeed

Then you both began to pack your bags Adrian had his packed when he came over.

- time skip -

You had just finished packing. Both you and Adrian completely exhausted your mum had ordered a pizza for Adrian and the family pizza was your favourite not to mention it tasted lovely.

- In your room -

( Adrian falls up top of your bed near braking your bed his hair falling to )

Adrian: I am exhausted
You : you don't say
Adrian : come lay with me
You : fine you big baby

( lying down on the bed beside him as he put his arms around you )

You : what a bussy day
Adrian: you don't say
( mimicking you )
You : ohh shut up
Adrian : make me
( you slide your hand over his mouth then laughing )

Then he slowly went to sleep arms wrapped around you.

You : I guess that worked

You cosy your head onto his neck

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