11. China

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Nico's POV

I don't think I like China, but it is interesting to visit. The people in the cities mostly speak English, so I can communicate there, and the tour guides at the wall did as well but out in the countryside I can't talk to anyone. It's been four days and I still haven't made it back to America. I'm not entirely sure why America of all places considering the war but it is the only home I remember. I guess I could go back into the hotel once I got there, but I'd never manage to leave and my dad would probably force me out again, he must have taken us out for a reason. I'm also really tired and sometimes feel incorporeal, but I'm sure that's just my imagination. My casino card works here as well, even if it does raise eyebrows to see someone as young as me wandering around alone. The card might work because of the magic of the casino,or because of my dad. However he isn't exactly watching me so it's probably the first option.

Right now I'm in the forbidden city, and it is beautiful. Maybe the gods moved here when it was built because I could believe Athena herself had a hand in designing it, and having a city for a god-emperor does sound like Zeus' idea of proper worship. Well except for the whole worshiping a mortal but if he thought they were worshiping him he'd love the idea, and wouldn't oppose harems. The flowers are so beautiful and it was obviously a huge cost to create. Was it worth it though? I mean yes it's stunning but people had a hard time surviving while it was made, and only a few people got to see it at it's peak.

Anyways the main problem has been that I can't get a hotel room, as I'm too young. Also I left most of my stuff at the tower so I'm basically blind. But if I go back for it I'm not sure I'll be able to get away.

On the other hand I don't want to know what would happen if father found out I lost the stuff he lent me.

But, I can't be seen, and I can't seem to control where I'm going. Last time I tried to get back I ended up in Japan and woke up several hours later. When I tried to get the rest of the way home I ended up back here.

Another challenge has been staying away from cameras and other technology. If I use a phone a monster will track me down, if I get caught on camera the Avengers will. If I'm being honest I'm surprised I've managed to stay out this long, maybe they thought I left on foot and are containing their search to places I could walk.

What's cheese fluffle?

Tony's POV

It's been days and I still have no idea where Nico is. Ever since we found Bucky Steve's been useless, so there's only four of us looking for him now. Natasha and Clint had to go off on a couple of follow up missions with the information we retrieved from the base we were at yesterday, god I can't believe that was only yesterday, so it's just Bruce and I. Steve's still with Bucky, but I don't think he's said a single word this entire time.

Suddenly I hear a beeping. I turn to it and noticed it was a possible sighting of Nico. We've been looking all over for him, and he decided to go sightseeing and eat cheese fluffle! This is actually important, and I don't really like cheese fluffle, so why is he eating it. More importantly, why is he in China? "JARVIS please ask Bruce and Steve to come up here."

"Mr. Banner is coming but Mr. Rogers refuses to leave Mr. Barnes."

I have to admit I kinda expected that. "Tell him we've spotted Nico."

"He says Mr. Barnes is more important right now."

Okay I guess it's just Bruce and I, the scientists of the team. "What did you find?"

"Nico, he's in the Forbidden City, eating cheese fluffle!"

"What's that?"

"It's cheese, and not very good."

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