An Old Friend

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He and I have been best friends since 2nd grade. He knows my deepest secrets and my fears. He knows everything about me. He doesn't like being social. I want to go to parties, but he convinces me to stay with him. I want to chat with friends, he wants nothing to do with them. I want to go say "hi" to the new kid, but he talks me out of it.

You might be thinking "Well why are your friends with him if he doesn't let you do anything?" I kind of have to be friends with him. He needs my fears to survive and I give it to him. I toss and turn in bed 'til 5 in the morning because of him. He's unpredictable and I need to keep a close eye on him.
I need him to keep me safe. He talks me out of bad choices. He tells me the negative sides of things. He worries me sometimes though. He also tells me lies. Like how no one cares for me. He also creates horrible scenarios. He makes me crazy.

But I love him. He talks me out of suicide. He makes me fear of the unknown. With out him I would be dead. I both love and hate him.

Dearest Anxiety, why must you do this to me? I said I love you. Why must you torture me with fear? Do you not love me back?

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