The First Day

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It was 5th year and I was so excited to get back. Dad was carrying my trunk and mum had her arm linked around mine as we walked through King's Cross Station. I walked through the barrier between the platforms nine and ten to get to 9 and 3/4. Mum still gets nervous during this part due to her being muggle born.

The first thing I did, like every beginning of the new year since I met them first year, was look for Harry, Hermione, and of course Ron. Through the crowds of people I found a brunette bushy haired girl in the huge crowd. "Mione! HERMIONE!" I yelled waving my hands like a lunatic so she would notice me. "Y/n!!" She yelled as she ran up to me giving me a huge hug.

"Oh godric! I have missed you so much! How was your summer?" She said.

"You know same old, dad teaching me new quidditch moves. And mum trying to convince me to forget about Hogwarts and stay home forever!" I said while giggling.

"Same with me! They never want me to leave!"

"The muggle life is hard" I said, and with that both of us started dying of laughter.

In the middle of our laughter we heard the boys. Harry and Ron as they started bombing through the station screaming "HURRY WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE TRAIN" .. Harry dropped his trunk causing both of the boys to tumble over onto each other, and their clothes to go flying everywhere.

"Oh Ronald Weasley you are going to really hurt yourself one of these days!" We heard Mrs. Weasley yell from behind them. Ron looked at me and gave me a shy smile. His face turning the color of his hair. 𝐺𝑜𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑎𝑠 ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑒. "Oh Harry honey are you okay?" She said brushing the dirt off his jumper. "Y/n/n! Mione!" The boys yelled in unison while bringing us into a group hug. Behind them came the other members of the red headed family. Mr Weasley, George, Fred, and Ginny. "Hello ladies!" The twins said to Hermione and I. Both of us hugged them and then Ginny.

After we finished our hellos and hugs I turned to say goodbye to Mum and Dad. My dad handed me my trunk and mom gave me a small coin purse full of galleons for the train ride to school. I hugged and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. "Ti amo" (I love you in Italian) mum said. "Ti amo" I said back to her. And got onto the train.

As the four of us filed into our compartment in the train. I sat next to Ron across from Hermione and Harry. Right away we all started to talk about all the fun exciting things we did over the summer. It was like no time had gone by.

"Y/n you better try out for quidditch this year! Your totally going to make the team!" Harry said to me with pure excitement in his eyes.

"Oh Harry I don't know, I mean I practice with dad but I'm not good enough to be a chaser" I said.

"Are you kidding me y/n/n? You are the most amazing player I have seen!" Ron said to me.

I smiled wide at the words that Ron had just said to me. I looked to Hermione who mouthed to me "you are blushing" I swatted her away and turned my attention back to the cute ginger next to me. He and Harry continued to babble on and on about all the plans they had in store for this year, while Hermione and I talked about some knew spells to try out later on how to make our closest more spacious.

Ron looked down at his watch, "oh man we will be arriving at Hogwarts soon"

"We better change into our robes" Hermione said as she grabbed my hand and shuffled me to the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom brushing down my wrinkled robes and patting down my skirt as I bumped into someone in the hall. "Oh sorry that's my bad" I said holding my head in embarrassment. "Why don't you watch where you are going, I guess that's what I get for going to school with all these dirty bloods!" The person hissed at me. I looked up to see no other than Draco Malfoy. "Shove off Draco it was an accident, there is no need to get your wand in a twist" I said to him. He rolled his eyes at me, so I decided to finish him off with a sparky comment. "Draco I may only have one wizard parent but I still have a higher mark in potions than you so I guess being a pure blood doesn't mean anything!"

Suddenly he pushed me out of the way making me fall to the ground and spat at me. As he stomped away, Someone helped me up turning me around to look at them. "Y/n are you okay? What happened?" It was Ron. He looked me in the eyes checking all over me for any bumps or bruises. "Oh Ron it's nothing, just Malloy being an angry baby" I laughed.

Ron clenched his hands "Malfoy? He did this? Where is he!" Ron stomped to find where he was. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. "Ronald no! Your not going to get yourself expelled on the first day!" He started to calm down as I rubbed his shoulders. We stood there in silence, his deep blue eyes starring into my lighter ones.

"Oh man did you lot finally kiss?"


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