Welcome Back

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"Ladiessss guess what George and I were able to find!" Fred said with excitement.

"Hmm maybe your brains!" I said pointing my finger at them.

"Oh hush up y/n!" "We got.. FIRE WHISKEY!" The twins screamed as they linked arms with Ginny and started to dance all around the room.

"You two better get ready! We are having a huge welcome back party!" George and Fred said pointing to Hermione and I, while heading for the door. "It starts at 9:00, do not be late!" The two boys left the room and right away we all started going through our trunks trying to find what to wear.

I pulled out a black tight dress with a little bit of lace on the top. I decided to wear it with a pair of red heels to add a pop of color. Ginny decided to wear a navy blue dress because it always went best with her hair. While Hermione opted for black as well. Hermione and I straightened our hair, and Ginny put hers up into a sleek high pony. (Dresses at the end of the chapter).

"Well we look hot!" I said as we all made our final looks in the mirror.

"All the boys are going to be all over you in that dress y/n/n, especially Ron!" Ginny said while slapping my butt. I smiled at her. 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠.

"I really hope Fred asks me to dance" Hermione said with a shy smile.

"I KNEW IT!" Ginny and I yelled, jumping and screaming.

She waved for us to come closer. "You lot better not tell anyone, I don't want him to find out". Ginny and I both gave her a pinky promise.

"Alright let's go party!" Ginny said pushing us out of the door. We shuffled down the steps into the Gryffindor common room.

The room was lit a bright red and was foggy. The twins had already started to hand out small shots of fire whiskey to everyone. Fred came up to us with a gold tray, and on top was three small cups filled with the light brown liquid. The three of us grabbed a cup.

"Bottoms up!" Fred yelled while the three of us drank our shots.

"That stuff is strong" Hermione said looking up to Fred. He gave her a wink "only the best!" He said.

The three of us shrieked and decided to go join the party. Everyone was making a mosh pit in the middle of the room. Muggle music was playing, probably played by Harry. We all started to dance and jump up and down to the music. Suddenly two large hands attached to my waist and started to dance with me. It was Ron.

I turned around to face him and gave him a smile.

"You look bloody good tonight y/n" he said, his mouth was right next to my ear. Breathing down my neck making my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Not as good as you Weasley!" I said to him. Our faces were not even a inch apart. He flipped me back around so that my back was once again on his stomach. He held me close to him as we just jumped along to the music.

7 songs and too many shots of fire whiskey to count, our dancing got more messy. Ron was more sober than I was so he held me upright so I didn't fall over. The party had died down a lot, people went to other rooms with their significant other or just went back up to their dorms for some rest.

"Maybe we should get you up to bed?" Ron whispered in my ear.

"But I'm having funnnnn!" I said to him grabbing his cheek in my palm.

He lifted me up over his shoulder and carried me to his room. He placed me on his bed and helped me to take off my heels. "Do you want some clothes? That dress can't be comfortable" he said to me while rummaging through his dresser. He pulled out a big Chudley Cannons tshirt and some flannel pajama pants. "They will probably be too big for you but comfortable" he said handing me the clothes.

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