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"Absolutely not" Ron said sitting down onto a bench outside

"Why on earth not?" I whined standing in front of him

"Because he wouldn't want us too"

"Ron please he doesn't know what he wants!" I said shaking his shoulders

"Y/n I love you and your passion for whatever this new plan is", he grabbed onto my hands, "but I think it will make Harry feel worse" he shrugged

I rolled my eyes and plopped down next to him, "he just wants love" I turned to Ron one more time with puppy dog eyes trying to convince him

"Nice try" he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist

The two of us studied for a while on the bench. We both wanted to score high on our up coming potions test so we tried to actually focus.

After a while both of us grew too bored to concentrate and decided to go grab lunch at the great hall.

No where was there so we sat alone, we didn't mind and just continued the conversation we were having about Christmas plans. It was the end of November and break would be soon.

Ron suggested I come to the burrow, my parents could come on Christmas Day so I wouldn't miss out spending it with them. It was a brilliant idea.

We both wrote to our parents to ask if these plans would be possible.

The two of us got up and headed to the common room to try and find our friends. We walked up through the portrait hole and saw Hermione and Harry sitting on the sofa in front of the fire place.

"Hey guys" I said waving and sitting on the arm chair next to them

"Hey y/n/n where have you guys been?" Hermione asked

"We studied got some lunch and wrote to our parents about plans for Christmas" I said

"Oh speaking of that Ron am I still welcome to come?" Hermione asked turning to Ron

"Oh yea mum is excited for you to come, she wants to see you and Fred as a couple" he chuckled

Hermione blushed and turned back to me, "your parents better let you come" she giggled

"I think they will.. and Ron said that they could probably come for Christmas Day so hopefully that will convince them"

"Well that's great I'm really excited"

"Harry are you alright mate?" Ron said turning is attention to the closed off boy

"Actually Ron could we go talk upstairs" he said quietly getting up from his seat

"Oh of course Harry let's go" Ron said getting up from the arm rest on my chair and following Harry

Hermione and I exchanged a look of sorrow at each other, he was our closest friend and was really hurting. I told her about my desire to help Harry and he be his matchmaker and Hermione thought it was a great idea.

Ron doesn't know what he is talking about. I knew this was a good idea to help Harry. Hermione and I decided that for the next week we would scan some girls to see if any of them would be right for Harry.

We planned to meet up at the end of the week and discuss.

Hermione and I have decided our plan so she went up to hang out with Fred. I stayed in the common room and read a book by the fire.

It got late and I decided to go take a walk around the castle. Harry and Ron were still talking in there room and everyone else was busy.

I left the gryffindor tower and walked along the halls looking out the windows to the foggy night sky. Suddenly I heard people trying to walk behind me quietly.

I whipped my head around, but no one was there. I could still slightly hear their footsteps so I followed them.

They led me to a small room that seemed to be unused and empty. I peaked my head in the door trying to be as quiet as possible.

When I turned my head in I saw Draco and.. Lavender? What the hell? They were whispering over by a table in the back of the room.

There was a little bit of smoke around them, they looked to be brewing something.

I stepped forward to get a closer look and I stepped on something that made a loud crack. I turned my body behind the door frame trying to hide.

"What was that?" I head Draco yell storming close to me

"You don't think someone saw us?" Lavender said shyly

"They better not have" Draco said scanning the halls

He nearly was about to see me when Lavender started shrieking about the potion over bubbling and causing a mess to pour all over the floor.

I turned and ran back to the tower to tell everyone what I had just saw.

I finally made it back, to see that no one was in the common room. I ran to my room to find Hermione. She was on her bed laying with Fred reading a book.

"Sorry to break up this moment but I need you" I said grabbing her and pulling her out of bed

"Hey!" She said shocked but she followed

I stormed into Harry and Ron's room, "GUYS" I yelled

The two boys shot up and were eager to hear what I had to say. "What is it" Harry said putting on his glasses

I sat on Ron's bed and he sat up next to me. "Okay so I went for a late night stroll"

"Okay.." Hermione followed

"And I heard people so I decided to see what they were doing, and it was Draco and Lavender" I said slapping my hands onto the bed

"Wait what" Ron said turning his head to mine

"They were making some type of potion" I said whipping my head from Hermione and Harry to Ron

"Did they say what kind?" Hermione asked

"No but they heard me and did not want people to found out what they were making" I said scratching my cheek

"Okay well until they do something with it or we find out what it is there is nothing we can really do y/n/n" Hermione said

"I know I'm just worried" I said shrugging, Ron wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him

"I won't let anything happen to you" he whispered in my ear

"Let's just keep a close eye on them" Harry said, "yea I agree neither of them are that smart" Hermione added

"Okay yea thanks guys" I said smiling, "okay I'm going to head to bed" I said getting up from Ron's bed

I gave him a quick kiss and turned to leave, "Goodnight guys" I said waving to both of them

"Night" Harry said turning back into his covers

"Love you!" Ron yelled

"Love you too!" I yelled back to him

Hermione dove back into bed with Fred and continued to read. I pulled on my pajamas and went into my bed.

I fell asleep fast, but couldn't get the thought of what Lavender and Draco were planning out of my mind.

Sorry there wasn't much Ron and y/n action I'll add some spice to the next chapter🙌🏼

Also I can't decide whether I want to buy a wand from the wbs website or if I want to get a blanket with Ron's face on it. So tell me what you guys would get between those or if u have any cool shops!

Thanks bye hotties😉⚡️

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