Kida x Fem reader ~Destined by fate~

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(A/n) Soulmate au- that is it 

Warning- Contains the grapist in the end

Your P.O.V. 

Looking down at my arm as I am walking to UA for the Entrance exam reading the few words over and over again "What are ya lookin at? Baka" wondering who my sole mate is. Looking up I see many different teens crowding the entrance to UA I smile as i bump into a blonde boy with his hair combed nicely to the side. Smiling he states in a snarky way "My name is Nieto Monoma but you can just call me Monoma, Good luck getting into UA  " He smirks as i smile like he didn't just say what he said. "Good luck to you too, Monoma. "I bow slightly looking up at him with a glare.

   Following the crowd I find myself seated next to a boy with Silver hair He looks all hyped up smiling saying things quietly like how something is so Manly. Smiling i introduce myself "Hello, you seem to be just as hyped as I am to get into UA, I am (F/n)(L/n) and my quirk is (Q/n)" ((Quirk name )) He looks at me "I'm Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu! and yes I am hyped! and my quirk is so manly!! it is Steel! I can turn my body into metal" He puts his fist up turning his hand and forearm into metal" I smile as he gives me the ok to feel his arm. "woah- so cool!" I smile as Presentation Michael starts talking-er well yelling. (Yes Ze Presentation Michael) 

  ~~Timeskip after the talking ~~

Looking around I see Tetsutetsu and jog over to him giving him a fist bump " Good luck bro" "Right back at ya bro" he responds getting in a readt to run position. A girl with Long brown hair and little horns sticking out, I watch as wings pop out of her back with a gross skin peeling bone cracking noise. She looks back as her arms and legs have scales and claws "What are you looking at? Baka" She yells. My heart skips a beat as i look back at my arm "What are you loo-" i mumble to myself as she cuts me off "I said what are you looking at?" She is standing a few inches away from me and I blush "You are pretty-Er-um I mean Cool! you are pretty cool" I mentally slap myself groaning as she sneaks a peak at her arm and smirks "Meet me after this, SO WE can talk! Stupid-" she turns around flapping her wings ready to fly in.

Kida's P.O.V. 

Damnit Why did my soulmate have to be here?! Why does she have to be so cute I growl to myself as I fly in as fast as i can trying to get the first, Pushing people out of the way I score many points but at the end when the 0 point robot comes I am running because my wings are tired, Tripping some rubble falls onto me "DAMNIT" I yell as i try to get out. That girl I talked to before this stops as That steel idiot stops and tells her to get moving "NO TEtSUTETSU A PART OF BEING A HERO IS RISKING YOUR LIFE FOR OTHERS" She yells running to me attempting to remove the rubble She starts pulling on me and I wiggle my legs till i am free and she carries me bridal style to the entrance. She smiles out of breath as i look away trying to hide my blush as i hop out of her arms and fan her with a wing. She hugs me. tensing up i pat her back awkwardly. She lets go and Fixes her hair. Ok i do have to admit she is cute with her (H/l) hair and (E/c) eyes. 

Your P.O.V. 

I smile as I knew I found my soulmate. 

Extra-(You have been in UA with kida for 3 months now you are sadly in class 1-B though )

"(Y/NNNNN)! " your mom yells embracing you in a hug.  "Where is Kida?" 

"At school in detention-"

"did she get into a fight with that hotheaded Katsuki Bakugo Again?"

I Laugh "Yes she did mom, that is the only reason she gets detention, is fighting with Katsuki" 

And Kida is still mad at him to this day (Who am I kidding she is mad at him all the time. Including Min-*gags* Mine-*Gags* Mineta *throws up* )

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