chapter 20

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colby had been telling me about how the castle worked and about the floors but my head was killing me it had been since i hugged colby and i didn't know why but it hurt like a bitch. "there are 3 sections to the castle. the left and right sections have 10 floors of just vampire rooms so nothing important. the middle section though is where a lot happens. obviously when you walk in you seen the grand entrance and been through the dinning hall and kitchen area to the elevator but instead of going right to the elevator if you got left it will take you to staffs rooms again nothing important. the 2nd-9th floors are again just more vamps rooms. the 10th and 11th floor is yours and your brothers floor. the 10th has the bedrooms on it plus the kitchen and a library and a basketball court and whatever else the boys wanted on this floor. the 11th has a huge skatepark on it that's being built for you along with more rooms your brothers want and empty rooms you can design for yourself. the 13th and 14th is your dads floors and no ones been on them so i don't know what's up there but the 15th is where your dads office is, his private library, meeting rooms, and other rooms. you understand the castle?" "i-i think, that's a lot." "come on i'll show you around now so you know where everything is not just the floor number." colby leads me out of my bedroom and he shows me where the library, kitchen, balcony, and indoor pool is. "holy shit." "well princess this is a castle." colby starts to walk closer to the water and i smirk before pushing him as hard as i can into the pool. when colby comes up he glared at me like he's ready to kill. "wtf tate!" i couldn't help but laugh but colby didn't find it too funny and he kept glaring at me. he got out of the water and removed his black shirt that was soaked and threw it at me. "colby!" "don't even you pushed me in the fucking pool." he was pissed at me but he was beautiful. his jaw was clenched and his back muscles tense. i admired his tattoos and wanted to know the meaning behind them but i didn't have time to ask because he had me in his grip holding me over the pool as a clung to his wet body. "no colby! please don't! i'm sorry! i won't do it again! don't throw me in please! i'm sorry!" i knew me yelling was going to be a lot louder to him since i was so close to him and his earring is in heightened but i really didn't want to be throw in the pool. i had my legs wrapped around his wet body so tight making my clothes a little damp but i didn't care because them being a little wet was better then being drenched in the pool water. "you pushed me in it's only fair." "no please don't!" colby then started trying to make my legs unwrap themselves from his waist but couldn't because i was using all my strength to hold myself onto this boy and not be thrown in the pool. "fine i won't throw you in." colby moves away from the pool and i finally allow him to put me down. colby then starts to undo his belt and he takes it off throwing it at me. "thanks for that these are my favorite pair of jeans and if you ruined them i'm killing you." "is that a threat brock?" i smirk at him staring into his intimidating eyes. "yes it is i don't fuck around when it comes to my clothes." "do you like shopping?" "depends on my mood and who it's with." "can we go shopping please?" "tonight?" "no just sometime." "maybe." colby takes off his shoes and socks so he's only left in his jeans before picking up his clothes and walking out of the room. i follow behind him like a lost puppy because i didn't know what to do. "where are we going?" "my room. i need to change and i'll give you some," colby smirks at me, "because yours are wet from me." i hit his back and then push him into the wall. "you're so dirty minded." "you wouldn't let me read your thought but you were the one checking me out earlier and i bet you were thinking of unholy things." he held that smirk like it was a prize and i hated it but liked it at the same time. colby is definitely cocky but that didn't bother me because jc is too so i'm used to it. men and there precious egos. i miss jc even if it hadn't even been a day yet. when he spent the night at payton's he always came home early in the morning so this is the longest i've gone without seeing him in a while.

soooo why does tate have a headache?

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