A Note

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As I am writing this, it's currently January 1, 2021. 

Now personally, New Years Resolutions suck. I think that they're terrible and never actually last, therefore, they serve no purpose. 

However, I decided that this year, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to write a full, complete book. 

And instead of planning and making a big deal of it, I'm just going to go with the flow. Move and write and think in the moment. I really like this idea and I already am really excited about it and I hope others will see it and read it and love it as much as I love it. 

With that been said, I want to say a few other things...

Please be nice, even though I do have one other story, I wrote that for a friend, and I'm counting this as my first book. And in a way it is... I mean, it's the first Criminal Minds fanfiction I've written...

So as it is my first, cut me a little slack, however, if you have constructive criticism, I'm willing to take it. 

Another thing, this won't line up straight with the show, things may be out of order, or won't follow the show, or even the cases may be different. It's a-okay. I wrote it that way. It's not a mistake. I promise. 

Anyway, thank you, friends for reading my story! I hope you enjoy!

Now, without further ado....


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