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𝚃𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎'𝚜 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎

𝟷𝟹 𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚡 𝙻𝚗, 𝚀𝚞𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚘, 𝚅𝙰

𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝟺, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟸

𝟽:𝟻𝟽 𝙰.𝙼.

In the past few weeks, Tillie and Spencer's relationship had progressed significantly. They talked every night for hours, both in person and on the phone. Long conversations of nothing that really held any significance, just about their day, or about this interaction they had witnessed. 

Everything was alright. Tillie's health had improved drastically, Spencer ceased to see Dr. Vidaurri as a patient, however, they continued to be in contact. It was nice to have a friend that wasn't in the BAU, wasn't Tillie, and wasn't his mom.

Spencer looked over to his side to see Tillie sleeping, the light from the windows slipping through the curtains, shining on her face. He smiled at her beauty, plain and fair. One thing was certain, he felt feelings he felt for no other than he did for her. 

As quietly as he could, he got out of bed and went into the kitchen. He had been over enough to now be familiar with where everything was, and he no longer felt awkward brewing coffee in her home. 

Contentment flowed through his veins, and etching itself on his face. Until his phone rang, with Hotch's name at the top. His state of being faltered as he answered the call. 

"Reid, I hope I didn't wake you on your day off?" Hotch's voice sounded from the other line.

"No, you didn't. Another case I presume?" He asked. The coffee finished brewing, and he poured himself a cup, along with some sugar and creamer. 

"Yeah, it's a bad one. We need you here within the hour."

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as I can," Spencer replied, ending the call and heading to Tillie's room to gather his things. 

Stuffing some of his clothes into a bag, Tillie stretched from her place in bed and slowly sat up. 

"You leaving so soon? I thought that we'd at least have a lightsaber battle in the park first," she yawned, rubbing her sleepy eyes. 

Spencer smiled, "As much as I would love to do that, there's a case. It seemed pretty urgent, but hopefully I'll be back soon." 

Standing up, Tillie walked over to Spencer, wrapping her arms around his waist. 

"You go catch the bad guys while I study some plants." He chuckled at her light tone. 

Nodding and giving her a kiss goodbye on the forehead, he left her house, leaving her in sunny silence. 

Sighing, she walked into the kitchen, smiling as she saw that he left her some coffee in the pot. It was a Saturday, so she wasn't going to the museum today. 

"I guess serial killers never stop," she whispers to herself, sipping coffee at the bar stool next to her island. "What to do today?" 

What would she do today? Normally she'd spend her weekends with  Spencer, but she couldn't do that this time. 

As thoughts clouded her mind, she almost didn't hear the sharp knock on her front door. Placing her coffee mug on the counter top, she strode over to the door, looking through the peephole. 

She saw someone she never would expect at her door. A tall woman with her very same shade of blonde hair. 

Her mother. 

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