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2 Years Ago..

I wish my life would have been very simple and adventurous. But no, I always stuck in one place for a long time. I know that I should be studying right now since I left about 3 months until my finals. I didn’t know what’s wrong with me that make me feel stupefied. My family or my friends saw me as an ordinary teenager who constantly study every night and had a perfect schedule. In my mind, I felt I’m not 18 years old. I felt I’m already an independent women who literally waiting for a man to come to take my virginity and married and have sex endlessly. I can’t help daydreaming about it every single moment while my professor was teaching, the way he licked his lips, and the way he gazed at me hotly when he patiently waiting for my answers. I secretly wrote my wild fantasy ideas in my notebook about him and also my other crushes when I’m bored in class but mostly about him. Unfortunately, I heard that he has a fiancée already and that broke my heart a little.

                “Mia, did you hear what I just said?” I immediately shook my head from my deep thought about my professor and face to my roommate, Cara. Ah yes, Cara is very kind and wild and always went out to the frat party every night. Even though Cara is wild, she also cares about her study but I really didn’t care about her results because she always scored it. Another thing was that she's super rich but she hates the fact that she’s rich.

                “Sorry, I was thinking about … something,”

                “Seriously, Mia, Can you stop thinking about that dreamy professor of yours? Your obsession is literally killing me,” She said as she packed up her books. Yes, daydreaming about my professor is my favorite habit but I couldn’t help it. I stood up from my sit and joined packing up my things. We both walked from the class and headed to the cafeteria.

                “I’m sorry Cara, but Mr. Ernest is deliciously hot and you know how many girls in this school including teacher wants to get into his pants!” I said.. Professor James Ernest or Mr. Ernest taught English literature and I was lucky to be in his class this year.

                “Oh god, stop it Mia! You make me want to vomit right now at this hallway,” I couldn’t help but laughed at her. Cara always get annoyed when I rambling about him. When we arrived at the cafeteria, the whole area filled with students. For some reason, the cafeteria usually empty during this hour and only some computer geek’s student stays here. What the hell was happening? Cara’s jaw dropped when she sees the situation.

                “They didn’t tell me there will be a party here?” I noticed her sarcasm and rolled my eyes. As I was about to ask someone about the crowded cafeteria, I saw a tall masculine figure across the room walking at my direction, my jaw hit the floor when I saw Mr. Ernest’s beautiful yet sexy face looking at me. My eyes glued to his while I searched for Cara’s hand but I can’t find her hand beside me. So I turned to my left and she wasn’t next to me. What? Where was she? I looked back at Mr. Ernest who currently not far from me. Just by looking at him make my body go jelly.

                “Hello Mia,”

Oh god. Oh god. The beautiful creature was talking to me. I need to calmed myself down especially at the bottom part.

                “Hi-Hello Mr. Ernest, can I help you?” I shove my shaking hands to my pocket so he couldn’t see how nervous I am.

                “Sorry to bother you Mia, I want to see you in my office later as soon as possible. We need to discuss about something,” He said as he ran his slender hands through his perfect thick dark brown hair. What? he wants to see me later? This couldn’t be happening. And discuss about what?

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