Crossover: Beelzebub,FT,Baka and Tests:Summon the Beasts,KHR

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Characters: Oga, Natsu, Akisa (Yoshii), Fran

Setting: In a random empty field

Theme/Situation: Confuzed and Stupid

Oga&Natsu: Woah! That's one big hat!!

Akisa: But why is it a frog??

Fran: I dunno. Bel-senpai forced me to wear it.

Natsu: Hey, that looks like fun!! Mind if I try it??

Oga: Eh, whatever. Eh? Where's Berubo?

Akisa: Ah! I think I know!

Oga, Natsu&Fran: Hah?

Akisa: I think the reason why your senpai forced you to wear it is because....

Everyone else: Because.....?

Akisa: Cuz 1) he has a fetish for frogs and

2) he thinks it'll look cute on you!!

Everyone else: (anime fall/sweatdrop)

Oga&Natsu: What kind of stupid reason is THAT?!?

Akisa: I dunno.

Oga: Pfft. I'm through with all of you. You're all just a bunch of weaklings.

Natsu: What did you say?! You useless piece of crap!

Fran: Actually, I think ALL of you are USELESS.


Akisa: I think he said that you 2 are use-

Oga&Natsu: SHADDAP!! (kick and punch him)

Fran: Baka (kick with hands in his pockets)

Akisa: Itta-ta-ta!!

Natsu: Anyway, I don't care about that frog dude and idiot, but I'm definitely gonna kick your ass, you bastard!!

Oga: That's my line. (cracking knuckles)

Fran: Oohh~ A fight between 2 stupid hot heads. Well, since I have nothing better to do.... Ready, FIGHT!

Oga: I'm gonna send you to hell in one punch, dummy!

Natsu: Oh yeah?? We'll see about that. Fire Dragon Iron Fist!!

Oga&Natsu's fist collide but of course, Natsu won.

Oga: Argh! (sent flying back)

Fran: Woah. Are those Deathperation Flames? (dying will flames) How are you not burned by them?

Akisa: Woah. That's some awesome 3-D effects...

Natsu: Waddaya mean 3-D?! I dunno what you mean but these flames are as real as they can get. If you don't believe me then try them out yourselves.

Oga: Urgh, spikey's right. Those flames ARE real.

Fran: Hey, pinky. What flame attribute are you? Is it Storm? Sky? Mine's Mist. (lights up ring)

Natsu: Woah! That's awesome!! It's like Macao's only yours is a lighter colour. But it's kinda indigo and not exactly purple.... Oh well. (shrugs) I'll bet it tastes great!! (eats flames)

Fran: Ah! You ate my flames....

Oga&Akisa: Oohh~!! That's one amazing magic trick.

Natsu: GAAAAAHHHH!!! MAI THANG FURNS!!! ITH ON FHIHA!!!! PUH HIH HOUT!!! PUH HIH HOUT!!! (my tounge burns!!! It's on fire!!!! Put it out!!! Put it out!!!)

Fran: Baka.


Akisa: Actually, he looks more like a butcher.

Natsu: WHAHHEHETHER!! HUH PUH HIH HOUT!!! (whatever!! Just put it out!!!)

Fran: you shouldn't eat Dying Will Flames.

Natsu: What's that? I though all flames were edible. (Fran put it out with water from a random pond nearby)

Oga&Akisa: This guy must have some serious mental issues.

Bel: Oi! Fran! Come back!

Fran: Ah! Da-ouji is here.

Bel: Say that one more time and you're dead, Froggy.

Fran: No,no, Bel-senpai. I'm just stating the fact that you ARE a da-ouji.

Bel: Ka-Ching. (holds out knives)

Fran: (Gulp) Well, it was nice meeting you bakas but I gotta go.

Oga&Natsu&Akisa: (Oga and Natsu angrily, Akisa slightly mad with anime tears streaming down.) WHO ARE YOU CALLING BAKA?! BAKA!!

Himeji&Minami: Akisa-kun/Aki.

Akisa: Ah! Himeji-san and Minami are here. Ja ne~ (see yo again) ( waves off to the 2 remaining people.)

Oga: Guess that just leaves us, huh? Flame-brain.


Gray: Ash for brains, you're SUPPOSED to be on a mission. Now stop fooling around and c'mon!

Natsu: SHUT IT STRIPPER!! See ya, useless.


Berubo: GA-BU!!

Oga: Ah! Berubo. Where were you? Anyway, lets go.

Berubo: GA-BU!



So, what do you think??

Sry if you expected more action. A fight between Oga and Natsu would've been SUPER EPIC!! But then I might have to hold a pole to see who wins since I dunno who would. They're both super strong. Well, unless Oga isn't quite....well...."equipped".

Btw, do you think Natsu would be able to eat dying will flames?? That'd be awesome!! Almost no one can beat him if he eats ALL their flames first. ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!? :)

Well, it wasn't funny so... Let's count this as random??

Kay, bye! Hope I get something to work with!!

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