Winter warmth...has never felt this great. :3

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Winter was here in Magnolia and the wind blew harder than usual today.

As Ayame opened the guild doors, she was immediately welcomed by the fresh smell of hot chocolate and the warmth of the fireplace which randomly appeared in the guild.

"Ah.... I feel much better already!!" Ayame entered the guild completely and shut the door gently behind her as she took a seat between Happy and Natsu at the fireplace.

"Mira!! Can I get some hot chocolate? With extra marshmallows please!!"

"Sure, Ayame. Just give me a moment."

"Need anything else, Ayame?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks for asking, Kinana."

"No problem."

After ordering what she wanted, she tried to get warmed up.

Although it was winter, Ayame still wore her daily clothes on without so much as an extra scarf or jacket.

Her daily appearance was just a plain short sleeved t-shirt, short pants (barely till her mid-thigh. She has really long legs), boots which were a little past her knee and a small scarf - that's actually a handkerchief - tied around her neck. Plus the fact she has short hair, it's a miracle she's alive.

"Brrrr... I'm freezing!!!!"

"Well duh. You didn't wear a jacket and you have such a small amount of clothes on!!!!"

"No shit, Sherlock. And btw, that's SOOOO RICH coming from the likes of you, pinkie."

"Hey! Why you-"

"Happy!!!! Lemme hug yuuuuuhhhhh!!! You're so warm!!!!!"

"Okay, Aya-chan!"

"Yay! I love you, Happy!!"

"Careful what you say, Aya-chan. You might get someone mad~" Happy purred and smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

Being the dense person she is, Ayame ignored it and squeezed the life outta Happy.


"Hey!!! Ayame!!!! Let go of Happy!!! You're killing him!!!"

"Well, I'll freeze to death if I don't do this."

"Grrrrr.. C'mer then!!!"

"What?! No! Ewwww!"

"Nats- *out of breath*"

"Geez, get over here and let go, Ayame!!"

Grabbing Ayame's arm, Natsu yanked her towards him, prying her arms off Happy at the same time. Due to the force used, Ayame crashed into Natsu's bare chest. And due to impact, Natsu wrapped his arms around Ayame and basically just bear hugged her.

Ayame immediately snuggled in closer when her face landed on Natsu's chest. She wrapped her arms around Natsu's torso and tried to get as warm as she could.

Since he was a fire dragon slayer, it was only natural that his body heat was warmer than a normal person's and therefore coming in handy as a human hot bottle.

So forget about the fireplace, Natsu's the REAL JACKPOT.

And of course, shocked by Ayame's reaction, Natsu just sat there awkwardly holding her in his arms and blushing madly like a blushing tomato (that's like, red to the max xD).

Unconsciously, Ayame took a deep breath in a sighed.

"Natsu?" She asked. It was muffled, but Natsu heard it. Even if she was mumbling into his stomach.

"Can we stay like this...?"

Natsu of course, started sweating bullets. He was a nervous wreck.

"G-gee, I...I'm not sure, Ayame. I mean.."

"Eh????? Please??????You're SOOOOOOOO WARM!!!!!!" Ayame snapped her head up and put on her best puppy dog eyes while leaning in closer.

And Natsu, being the hopeless mage in love he was, obliged rather happily as Ayame broke into her signature grin that got Natsu falling for her in the first place. Then, she proceeded with burying her face into the endless warmth that was Natsu. <3


It was supposed to be shorter.... Till I started to blab.

I'm sorry!!!!

Oh yea and if you're wondering where were Gray and Lucy at the moment...

Gray's taking care of Juvia who unexpectedly got a cold. Lucy's sort of helping out bt Juvia dislikes her so... Yea. It's awkward.

Well, bye~

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