NaLu:Scarves-A Dangerous Attraction

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Lucy's sneeze echoed throughout the guild as she took yet another tissue from Mirajane. Everyone was busy chatting away, ignoring her constant sneezes.

"You should really fix that cold of yours, Lucy."

"I know, I know!!! You don't HAVE to state the obvious now, do you Natsu?"

"But Natsu's right, Lucy. If you don't get better, we can't go on missions. And what's worse..... WE WON'T HAVE FOOD TO EAT!!!! Well, you won't be able to pay your rent too, I guess." The blue exceed stated as he floated next to Natsu.

"Why don't you take a leave, Lucy? Come back when you're feeling better."

"Okay. Thanks Mira."

Lucy slowly got off the stool from the bar and headed towards the guild doors. However, she stopped short when she reached the door.

"Uh..... Lucy? You do realise you have to PUSH the door to OPEN it unordered to GET OUT, right?"

"I know, Natsu. But....but...."

"But what, Lucy?" Happy chirped in.

"It's FREEZING outside!!!! I can't go out there!!!"

"Then I'll lend you my scarf. Now c'mon. Let's go."




"You know....when you said you'll lend me your scarf... YOU DIDN'T SAY WE'D HAVE TO SHARE IT!!!!"

"Well, I can't just take it off. It was a gift from Igneel after all. And besides, my neck'll feel bare and cold."

"Yea, yea. Whatever."

Natsu and Lucy walked side by side down the path towards Lucy's house. It was snowing so it made walking slower. Something that Lucy didn't like much.

"Urggghhh. This is so hard to walk in!!!"

"Yea well, get used to it cuz- woah!!!!!"

Lucy slipped and fell down, causing Natsu to follow suit since they were, after all, sharing the same scarf.

And they just so happened to be at the top of a small hill so, yea. They rolled down the hill like a bundle of egg and salmon sushi.

When they reached flat surface however, that still wasn't the end.

Due to impact from a rock that appeared out of nowhere, the bundle of sushi flew and landed in the unforgiving, freezing waters.

And that is why, my dear readers/couples/friends, you don't share a scarf. Especially with an accident prone genius/klutz.


(Extended ending)

"See what you got us into, Lucy?"

"*sniff* jea wow, jour da van hu statad it fasst. *sniff*"

(Translation: yea well, you're the one who started it first.)

"ACHOOOO!!!" Lucy sneezed for what seemed to be the millionth time that day.

Seeing this, Natsu couldn't help but feel guilty. After all, he was responsible for getting a sick person into the freezing water and worsening it, all because he wouldn't lend his whole scarf to use.

So, Natsu decided to be responsible for once in his life.

"C'mere, Lucy."

"Hah? Va-"

Before Lucy could even finish, Natsu grabbed her arm and yanked her towards him. He immediately started a small ring of flames that were only enough to warm them both and not harm them.

Surprised at the sudden warmth and hug given, Lucy snapped her head up, only to see a bashful Natsu looking away as his cheeks were tinted with a bit of pink.

Seeing this, Lucy blushed a little herself and decided to just enjoy this moment in each others' arms. She buried her head in further towards Natsu's bare yet warm chest.

"Thank you." Lucy whispered but it came out as a mumble. Nevertheless, Natsu replied with a "You're welcome." Mumbling to himself more than answering.

Maybe this scarf sharing thing wasn't such a bad idea after all. <3


Okayyyy!!!!! So, waddaya think?? Was it good??? If so, please comment, vote and fan if you like it!!!

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And I'm sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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