Natsu vs Gray: Love at first sight=Love at first fight.

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Disclaimer: Don't own Fairy Tail. Hiro Mashima's the one with the amazing hands and creative juices. He made Erza, Natsu and everyone epic. Including Happy XD. Well, if I did own FT, Erza and Gerard/Jellal/Mystogan or watever name it is, wouldn't have a "Romeo and Juliet" tragedy. :((( It's so sad!!!!! Why, Mashima-sensei, WHY?!? DD: You broke all the hearts of Jerza/Gerza fans. Well, not really but STILL.... (the ALMOST kiss scene... DDDD: And to think the suspense nearly killed me. Well, the NOT kiss DID kill part of me.... Going to emo corner and crying now. ;((( )

Anyway, Ayame's my OC, I actually plan for her and Natsu to be my leading characters in a romance/comedy/fan fiction of Fairy Tail soon but for now let's just PRETEND that Natsu already has a widdle crush on her and so does Gray. Neither of them know it and none are together yet. But Juvia is still the epic stalker since it won't be the same Fairy Tail without her creepy Gray-sama obsession skillz :DD So.... On with the one-shot!!!


Ayame's POV

It's barely 8 in the morning and I'm already fed up with the pile of mess I got myself into.

"Okay, Ayame. So, when you attack, you must take into account that...."

I zoned out as I just watched Natsu hopelessly doing random hand movements that make him look like he's doing freestyle swimming.

While standing.

In front of the guild.

Why, why, why did I ever mention how much I wanted to learn how to fight?! I already know basic defending. Just.... not magic.

But hey, if I could knock out the legendary Salamander and an ice wizard at first sight, in 1 swift move, by only hitting their vital points, without using magic, that must mean at least something right??

Besides.... I actually know how to.... I just don't want to reveal anything yet.... I'm scared that I'll freak them out.

But then again, it's Fairy Tail we're talking about here. They'll probably be the ones who'll freak me out.


"GAH! WHAT, WHAT?! I WASN'T THINKING OF STRANGLING YOU BEHIND YOUR BACK, I SWEAR!!!!" I just randomly screamed at Natsu/Happy.


"Nothing!!" Thank goodness they're slow thinkers.

"So, anyway why don't we-"

"Ne, ne, Aya-chan, why don't we go FISHING!!" Happy cut Natsu short as he practically came and blocked Natsu's face with his blue furry being.

Of course, at the mention of fish and with this particular Exceed in front of me, there was only one possible, logical and obvious answer...



Yup. I love fish and Happy's ma bestie.

What...? Did you seriously think it was Natsu and that I actually think that Happy's annoying?!?

Sorry to disappoint you but, I'm not Lucy. Happy is awesome and Natsu.... I just don't feel anything. He's like a stranger that likes to butt in and stuff. But since I hang with Happy and I am freeloading at their house currently.... Acquaintances who share the same house/best friend should be fine.

But Natsu always has Lucy and Lisanna.. So if he ever decides to go with one of them or both of them, I'll just take Happy, go to a cliff where we can see the sea and sunset and go all "Nakama, Nakama" together. ( lol. One piece. :p ) And viola. Happy ending :))) Of course, we'll always go fishing together too.

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