inside jokes u guys have

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hi im back from the dead
i left for like 5 days but im just mysterious like that or whateva😫

-u guys will not. stop. saying. miss. gurl.
-when u see eachother "miss gurl"
- abt to take a nap "miss gurl"
- everyone around you guys wants to choke u two because its literally so old
-but you guys think it's hilarious
-"hey finn guess what"
-"my apologies MiSs gUrl"
-"mIss 🦉"
haha get the joke
-"iTs mIss ToLerrr"

(this is in no shape or form trying to disrespect deaf ppl or people who use sign language for serious purposes)
-you guys talk shit abt everyone in sign language
- like you guys learned it just so others will be confused asf
-like one time with stan...
-you signed "look at that fucking jew"
-and richie signed "i know right he looks stupid with that shirt tucked in"
-stan was just there like: 🙂
- he had no fucking idea💀💀

-one time you guys were just walking around at night in the city
-" y/n stand over there let me take a picture of u"
- you did a bunch of little poses
- but then all of a sudden u did a little karate chop and screamed "hiYa!"
- it made tyler laugh so hard he does it randomly just to remind u of that time
-you guys be screaming and doing karate chops
-his mom is like wtf...
- they don't understand the inside joke🙄

- you make fun of his accent
- like when he says water he pronounces the w with a v
- "boris can you get me some vater"
-"here is your vater madam"
- its not that funny 😐
- sorry im not that creative

- flora used to do this little hop whenever you guys went on walks
-like it wasn't even cute she looked so stupid
- you guys do it often and laugh every time
- "hey y/n come here"
-*little hop*
- laughing sesh
- flora dosent even know because she was little when she did it and has stopped doing it over time lmao

- you guys tell each other to freeze for no reason
- you dont even know how it started but you guys do it randomly
- stop drop n roll😧
- lol id do it while he's jerking off 💀

- you guys pretend like ur using a slingshot to make fun of lucas
- because a slingshot... really?😐
- you guys will do it around him and he literally dosent get it...
- mike will pretend to do it and you will pretend to die all dramatic
-"omg nooo im dyingggg not the slingshot pleaseee noooooooooooo"
- lol

- you howl
- if he howls
- you howl
- "ahOuuuuuuuuuu"
-"can i try?"
-"sure go ahead "
- this one is boring im so sorry😐

its 2am and this chapter is horrible
also don't forget to pray to the lord before u got to bed!!

the lord:

the lord:

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