how you guys fight/argue

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im such a bad bitch 😝 had to be said ☺️

-you guys don't really argue that much
-but when you do you guys don't really yell
-you guys are very calm
-aaaand y'all forgive each other WAYYY too easily
-"yeah but i didn't stare at the girl while she was dancing"
-"ok but i saw you with my own eyes"
-"y/n i love you. the only person I wanna watch dance is you"
-*debby ryan look*
-"ugh im so dumb, of course you wouldn't do that! I love you"
-"I love you too"
-you guys fuckedddd🙈

-he's always the one yelling
-your quiet
-you don't even talk to him you just let him scream at you
-at this point you don't care
-richie is very protective which is bad because it can lead to lots of arguments
-whatever it is... to ignore him for DAYS until he crawls back for forgiveness
-he miss that pussy 😜
-someone put me behind bars


-you both yell
-you guys fight a lot, mostly about boris always wanting to do drugs...
-very loud
-shit breaks
-someone says something personal
-it gets very quiet
-too quiet
-you two are making out
-angry sex☺️

-you both yell during a fight
-he's usually more in control of the situation
-miles literally wants to rip your head off and write his name with your blood in the moment
-after the fight... ANGRY SEXXX
-after the angry sex he dosent want to rip your head off anymore

-you always win
-he sucks at having his facts
-he sucks at arguing as well
-he usually just leaves the room and let's you cool down for a moment
-and when he comes back it's all good 😆
- #talk about a toxic relationship 

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