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愛- Love

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愛- Love

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Yukiko was confused. She was so sure she knew what love was when she felt things for Isaac, but now she wasn't so sure. She learned to not trust television shows or movies since they exaggerate too much. She did not know why she was so keen on finding love. She was very much capable of living without it. It very much did hurt to know the one person she knew she liked basically disregarded her once someone else came along. A better offer. She supposes that maybe before she turned up, Isaac and Allison were already entangled and she was nearly pulling back his leash. 

Her mind wandered to her dear friend Ivan and his suspected crush on their dear Fleur. They have talked about his crush recently and he talks very highly of the person. And we all know how amazing the young girl is. She was going to have to find a way to get the two together that is for sure. It was in the best interest of the Spanish boy and French girl. 

Scott and Kira seem to have a very wonderful relationship, but Yukiko learned to not let that deceive her. Every relationship comes with its flaws and there were things that the couple would have to overcome. Yukiko remembers when she was still a cat and Scott was looking after her. He was very worried that Kira would find someone else while she was away in New York. He was full of insecurities, just like Simon was from that Netflix series. His father filled him with self-hatred that he believed he was never good enough if he was not perfect. But Kira did not care for that and maybe soon he would realize. 

Her own parents didn't seem to have any problems within their marriage but she knew better than that. She was naive but she wasn't stupid. She knew when they were fighting, they made it clear that they would never involve the children, but Yukiko noticed. When her mother would slightly push her father way 

Love was also bliss when all the right factors were in play. When all the communication and dedication, the loyalty, the trust within the partners. She only wishes that everything will be okay with her and her future partner and if they were ever to come face with hardship that they know how to overcome it. She wants to grow old with her love, not only for others but for each other. Love triumphs all and only if the two chose to love each other every day. 

"Hey, what are you writing there, kitten?" Derek asks the young girl, looking at the hurried writing in her notebook. She quickly shut her book and stood up hastily. 

"Nothing!" She exclaimed, letting out a nervous huff of air as she faced her dear friend. "I was just writing something for school that I need to send to Fleur. She missed a lot since she left for the week."

Derek looked at her suspiciously knowing that she was lying to him. She knew he knew but hoped that he would let it go. Unluckily for her, he wasn't going to drop it. 

"Kitten, you do know that I know when you are lying right?" He smirked, knowing she was going to frown up at him. She was so adorable when she was upset. She looked like a lost kitten. And just like he predicted, she frowned up at him ashamed for lying. 

"Yeah, I know." She looked down to avoid his eyes. 

"Do you want me to know what you have written to Fleur or was it a personal matter?" He asked, taking a step back so she could breathe. 

Yukiko thought about it. She should be able to tell her best friend about her problem, right? She nodded holding it out to him. He looked at her to be sure she actually wanted him to read it. As he looked over her words, he realized she was lovesick, but for who? 

"You are enamored?" 

"Not necessarily. I am just in love with the idea of loving someone. I want my love to be perfect and while looking at everyone else's flaws, I can learn how to avoid conflict within those situations." She pointed out to certain scenarios that she has written down that her friends have told her about and what to do to avoid miscommunication and destruction. 

"Very well prepared, Kitten." He smiled down at her, ruffling her hair. She beamed up at her friend lovingly. He was truly the one person she could tell everything to. She valued that in their friendship. "I hope you do know that these types of scenarios are endless and you cannot simply be prepared for everything. Sometimes the opposite is the correct answer depending on the couple."

She nodded, taking in his words. He was right. She was not prepared for everything and it did depend on the couple. Sometimes people need their space to think about their next actions and for others, it is best to resolve everything the problem comes at bay. She was sure that for whoever her love was that she was going to love and nurture them, make sure their love is true and pure, always. She would hate to have a loveless marriage like so many. She wanted pure bliss and happiness. She would find it soon enough. She was sure of it. 

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