스트레스 받아요

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스트레스 받아요 - I'm stressed out

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스트레스 받아요 - I'm stressed out

Thank you guys for 20.5K!!!!!! I am so happy that you guys are liking the book. <3

ツ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ ⅋ ツ

A couple days had passed and Liam was right. Yukiko was on her period. It has been 9 months since she had been turned human and this was her first period. It seems that her body finally decided to catch up.

Kira and Noshiko tried their best to educate her on the female reproductive system. They bought her pads, tampons menstrual cups. You name it. Yukiko was mortified. She had gotten spayed way before she had her first heat but still had those side effects. She never knew what it was called.

On her way to English class, Yukiko bumped into Greenberg, aka, Sam. (the fact that I chose this name months before I got a crush on this dude named same surprises me.)

"Oh, sorry, kiko!" He gasped. "I wasn't looking were I was going."

"Oh, no, Sam. It's okay." She stopped him from rambling. "I saw you coming and didn't move away, so it's on me."

Sam Greenberg was happy to know Yukiko. She was the one that helped him meet his girlfriend. If she hadn't invited Jennilyn and everyone else, then Greenberg would probably still be the most irrelevant person of the school. He owed her alot.

"Still, I apologize." He bowed a little then bid her goodbye and was on his marry way.

Yukiko chuckled and entered her English class just as the bell rang. She took a seat next to Ivan, since this was the only class the two shared without Fleur.

"Did you do the homework?" Ivan asked her in a hush tone.

Yukiko immediately pulled out her folder with her essay neatly placed on top. She turned towards her best friend and smirked at him.

"No, did you?"

Ivan tolled his eyes at her, scowling. He was up late working on his essay but gave up halfway and didn't bother to print it.

"Whatever," He pouted.

Class was over and it surprised Yukiko how fast the day was going. But it could be because she was actually paying attention in class. Kira has asked her what she thought about college and that got her thinking. They already have an eye on her since she easily caught up to her current grade. Maybe they would offer scholarships?

"I gotta go," Yukiko bid her best friends goodbye. "I think me and my family are going to San Diego this weekend."

"Have fun!" Fleur cheered.

"Be careful and don't die," Ivan says coolly.

Yukiko walked off and met up with her sister at her car and they were off. After arriving to their home, Yukiko and Kira packed some clothes into small suitcases.

Ken hurried the 3 women into the car as soon as he finished loading everything into his car. He shook his head with a laugh and started the car as Noshiko locked the door to their home.

"This is gonna be a while, so it's okay if you sleep," He tells the girls.

As the girls were away for the weekend, Scott has planned to inform the pack on a surprise he had for Yukiko. It has been a couple months since he made up with her. They didn't really know her birthday, so everyone decided it was coming up this weekend.

Ken agreed to distract Yukiko by taking her away from Beacon Hills for a couple days. Derek was the most excited. He couldn't wait to see the light shine in her eyes when she finally registers her surprise. He pulled up to his loft, with Scott and Fleur. She finally got to meet him for this big thing. 

"I just received all the decorations and her present is coming in a couple days." Derek says opening his door. He set down his keys and showed the two to the living room. 

"Do you think she'll like it?" Fleur asked the two boys. 

They turned to look at her and nodded. They made sure everything was perfect for the former-cat. 

Days had passed and the Yukimura family were finally coming back to Beacon Hills. Yukiko was excited to see everyone again. As much as she liked being in San Diego and visiting the Zoo and Sea World, she missed her friends more. 

"So, you guys unpack and then we will go out to dinner and you can do whatever you want after," Ken tells his daughters as he pulled up in their driveway. Yukiko jumped put, grabbed her bag and sprinted inside her house. She slammed the door open to her shared room with Kira and yanked her drawers open and just threw everything in it. Once everything looked in order Yukiko pushed her way out of her room and took a seat in the living room. She waited 30 minutes untill her parents and Kira were done unpacking. 

"Let's go!" Ken shouted out, motioning the girls in the car once more. With a short drive downtown, the Yukimura's had a nice peaceful dinner at Hometown Buffet. 

come over when you're done. i have something to show you   - D     

Yukiko put her phone down and looked up at her dad with puppy dog eyes. "Dad, can I please go over to derek's. He said he has something for me and I really hope it's a easy-bake oven!" She cheered. 

"Hmm." He shrugged, "You can go if you take Kira with you." 

Yukiko looked to her sister, who shrugged, then back at her parents and eagerly nodded. After dinner, Ken dropped of his kids at Derek's loft and they were on their merry way. 

"So, before you open that door," Kira started. "I just wanted to let you know that I have had the best months of life my ever since you became human. I didn't know I wanted a sister until I got one and I'm so glad it's you." 

Yukiko smiled up at her sister and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. 

"I love you, Kira." Yukiko whispered. 

"I love you too, Yukiko."

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