Chapter 30

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alex, kouvr and mia all screamed and all that when i told them it was a promise ring. they pulled my hand and examined the ring for at least 5 minutes....each.

y/n: ok guys can i have my hand back???

mia: fine....but i swear if y'all don't get married i'll cry

kouvr: literally you're my otp.

y/n: OK GUYS SIMMER DOWN. we're only just 19 i don't think we're getting MARRIED too soon

(a/n: and yes ik that nick isn't actually 19 but like yeah we can just go with it)

alex: whatever you're still getting married

y/n: ahuh you and kouv are getting married first though that's the deal

alex: i-
alex was basically speechless and kouvr was almost completely red and mia nick and i couldn't help laughing.
after we were done talking about marriage and all that we talked about our seats in the plane and a bunch of other random things until the other four finally came to join us.

y/n: nice of you to join us finally

claire: sorry but you know i'm not a morning person

chase: and you know i'm not either. or ryland or jess

y/n: i don't care you should've just got up

jess: um what

y/n: i was kidding please don't hate meeee

jess: girl i would never i promise
jess said as she came over to me to give me a hug. i giggled before i sat back down next to nick and put my arm around his waist.
of course, claire saw the ring.





y/n: oh my god calm down. nick gave it to me. this morning.
i told them as i smiled dreamily at nick and he smiled back.

claire: i cant that's too much

chase: do you wanna sit down you look like you're gonna pass out
chase asked claire with concern in his voice. their relationship was going so well and all their fans supported them too. i couldn't be happier for them and i couldn't stop the smile on my face as i watched them together.

y/n: yeah claire you should probably sit.

ryland: that's cool and all but please let's get back to the ring. LET ME SEE IT
i laughed at rylands comment and went over to stand in front of the new people to show them the ring. there were more ooo's and ahh's but it was ok since i could feel nick looking at me. i smiled and looked to the floor.

y/n: ok ok enough of that. we have to leave in half an hour so make sure you have everything. i swear if one of you leaves something behind and you complain at the airport-

nick: aha ok y/n let's calm down.

y/n: sorry. not really. anyway go pack now please thank youuuu
most of my friends rolled their eyes at me with a smile and walked back to their rooms to do what i told them. i turned back to face nick who was now standing behind me about to grab my waist.
i wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss before resting my head on his chest.

y/n: i really love the ring. thank you
i told him seriously and looked up to look him in the eyes. he grinned and pecked my forehead.

nick: of course. i love you

y/n: i know you do

OK HI EVERYONE CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH. 36k READS???? when i started this book i didn't think it would get 20 reads let alone 36 thousand. y'all don't understand how much i appreciate you. lots of love 🥰🥰🥰

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