Chapter 27

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y/n's pov

me and the girls went into my room to get ready for the beach

y/n: so girlies. what are we gonna wear?

claire: clothes-

y/n: i-

we all started laughing our asses off. after we calmed our farms, we went into our suitcases and closets to find all the beach stuff we could find.

jess: oh my god mia come here!

mia: what- what happened!?

jess: i found the PERFECT bikini for you!!

mia: oooo show me!

jess pulled out a red bikini and it WAS perfect for mia



y/n: ohhhhhhhhhh KOUVR!!!

kouvr: YES Y/N?


i showed her a black calvin klein set and im not kidding when i say her jaw dropped

kouvr: i.....LOVE IT


claire yelled. we all laughed and continued to find outfits for each other. i decided to put on some music cause....we like to vibe haha. after we all found our outfits and started to get ready, my phone started ringing. I looked to see who it was and it was Avani! I smiled and answered - it was a facetime btw.



y/n: I MISS YOU TOO! hey girls come say hi to avani!

claire: AVANI!

avani: CLAIRE!

claire: i miss you. you should come visit soon!

avani: aw i miss you too! i will dont worry!

mia and kouvr: hey vani!

avani: hey mia and kouv!

y/n: oh hey how's ant doing?

avani: he's great! he's on a call with the boys right now actually

y/n: cool!

avani: anyway i just wanted to say hi cause i missed y'all

y/n: awe we miss you too! but we gotta get ready were going to the beach!

avani: awe okayyyy. have fun girlies!!!

jess: we will! love you vani!

y/n: hahaha bye bye babey

avani: byeee *muah*

i hung up and smiled. the girls and i continued to get ready and when everyone was done we went out to the living room. everyone looked amazing not even gonna lie. I was wearing a mint green bikini with straps and a white flowy dress over it.

we walked out and the boys were sitting on the couch and on the floor. i went straight to nick and sat on his lap. kouvr went to alex, claire went to chase (aghhhhhhhh) and jess went to ryland, which was SO CUTE. i got off nick's lap and sat next to him. i saw mia just standing there and i smiled.

y/n: mia babey come here!

i said, doing grabby hands towards her. she smiled and walked over to me and sat on my lap.

mia: sorry nick she's mine now

she said to nick i laughed and nick pulled a pouty face. i rolled my eyes and gave him a little kiss.

y/n: you're annoying

nick: yeah but you love me

y/n: do i?....

nick's face dropped and immediately grabbed his face and gave him butterfly kisses

y/n: no bear i was just kidding dont be sad

nick: alright i forgive you

he said smiling. i rolled my eyes again and gave him another kiss on the cheek before turning back to mia

mia: what i dont get a kiss?

she asked me and i laughed. i looked at nick kind of asking for permission. he laughed and nodded. i grinned and turned to mia again. i grabbed her face and planted one on her. at that point the room went silent. when i pulled away i laughed at mia's shocked face.

mia: damn nick now i get why you like her so much

i looked at her with my mouth open and everyone laughed. we went down to the parking lot and got into the cars. i was with nick, chase, claire and mia.
the whole car ride we sung to a bunch of songs and danced around while i drove, trying my very hardest to keep focused on the road. after about an hour drive, we got to the beach.

y/n: alright, does anyone want ice cream?
i asked everyone when we got out of the cars. everyone said yes which made me laugh.

y/n: hahahah ok ok, give me a second and i'll go get them. someone come with me though i need more hands.

chase: i'll come!

y/n: alright cool. you guys head down we'll be there soon!
with that, everyone else left to go down onto the sand leaving me and chase to go get ice cream.

hi guys!! sorry i've been inactive lately there was a bit of drama at school this week heheheh.
but i hope y'all like this one and PLEASE PLEASE give me some ideas for the next one i'm running out!!!!
but love youuuuuu ❤️❤️❤️

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