Chapter 32

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~time skip two weeks~

claire and jess went home yesterday, which was really sad. we had an amazing time together. we went to disneyland and universal and we found the universal hogwarts which was super super cool. we bought so much stuff from each place it was crazy. you'd think we were rich bahahaha.
we also went shopping quite a bit with the girls. claire and mia got even closer and claire really kinda clicked with jack. idk they just have the same kinda vibe and they're friendship is just *chefs kiss* oh and she also became really good friends with calvin and patty
jess nikita and james also became really good friends. they're all bad biddies so i guess it makes sense

(a/n: i am aware of james' scandals and we don't stan that but we appreciate his work and how he dealt with the situation this time was actually quite mature)

and claire and chase got even closer which makes my heart so happy. they're all close and cuddly and ugh i love it so much. when claire left he didn't let go of her for a solid 3 hours right up until she went through security. i honestly thought he'd buy a ticket on her flight just so he wouldn't have to let go of her hand.
jess and ryland got closer too which makes my heart even happier. they haven't decided to go official yet, but i'm sure they will eventually hahaha. and when jess left ryland didn't let go of her hand even through security. he almost got through too.
i just love their chaotic relationships
oh and also madison beer also started hanging out with the house 😳😳😳 and i actually love her so much so when i first met her i fangirled. like a lot. it was kinda embarrassing lmao.
but my two girls got on their plane back to australia yesterday and left me to deal with these crazy people all alone.
i slept in today. i didn't wake up until 1 in the afternoon and i just watched gilmore girls with nick until dinner.
after dinner nick and i went back to our room and watched some miraculous ladybug since i thought we could use a change hahaha. we watched for a little while cuddled up under the covers when i got kinda bored and started asking him random questions about his furture

y/n: hey nicky

nick: yes y/n

y/n: do you want to have a family one day

nick: um....yeah. i've never really thought about it but...a family would be nice
i actually was so happy when he said he wanted a family cause i want a lil family too and that'll be so cute

nick: do you want a family

y/n: yeah. i'd love to have a little family some day. i reckon it'll be real cute hahaha
nick smiled at me funny when i laughed at the end. i thought i did something wrong and i guess he could tell :/

nick: no don't get upset. i was just thinking it's funny how you say 'reckon' and everything. it's cute
he gave me a small smile and i blushed REALLY REALLY HARD. then he gave me a forehead kissy and i got so many butterflies i literally almost cried he's so cute. then when i finally calmed tf down we asked eachother more questions.

nick: well, how many kids do you want

y/n: i think maybe 2 or 3. it kinda sucked being an only child so i want my kids to have siblings

nick: wow really? i thought it'd be cool being an only child

y/n: mmm sometimes it was. not all the time tho hahah

nick: oh hahaah. but yeah i want 2 or 3 kids too

y/n: i thought you said you haven't thought about your future much

nick: oh.....oops maybe i accidentally said the wrong thing?

y/n: awww has nicky been thinking about his futureeeee

nick: oh shut up 🤚

y/n: i- damn i guess you're having that future with me

nick: wait wHAT-

y/n: omg no wait i was just kidding pls don't hate me

nick: ....fine. i guess i don't hate you

y/n: AH YAY thank you i love youuuu

nick: hehehehe i love you too bub

y/n: back to our you think we'll have one, like, together

nick: of course

y/n: really?

nick: yeah. i mean, you're perfect. if i ever mess this up i'll be wreck. and i don't think i've felt this much love for anyone in my entire life. you are the love of my life y/n. i don't know what i would do without you

y/n: aww babessss 🥺🥺🥺🥺

nick: it's true

y/n: omg no stop you're gonna make me cryyyy
nick smiled at me and gave me a kiss. then i started crying cause that was so cute my heart couldn't handle it.
we kept talking after i cried and we told each other what we wanted out of life and our partners and stuff. i even told him i wanted to marry him some day, and have kids with him. and he said he wanted the same 🥺🥺
we kept talking for a while about nothing before nick kissed me, softly but passionately.
after he pulled away i took in a breath.

y/n: what was that for

nick: nothing. i just love you. a lot

y/n: i love you too. a lot
he smiled and kissed me again.


hey y'all! sorry i haven't been updating 🤚 but i'm going to try and update a little more regularly now!
um just for the end bit when they kissing they ended up doing the nasty i just didn't wanna write that lmao 🤪🤪
but thank you all for reading and i promise i'll try and update more! love you!!!! <33333

(and just another little note, i think this book will be ending pretty soon cause y/n and nick are super unproblematic and i just think there's not much left for them to do 🥲)

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